twenty-five | home alone

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|| home alone ||

"Im home alone!" She yelled through to Tommy on the phone. In just a few days she'd see Techno again and go home. While she would miss Karl, she so desperately wanted to go home. Before that though she'll get to see Alex again, which was exciting.

"That's not a good thing, you could be kidnapped." Tommy mumbled. Despite it being 10pm for him, he was rather exhausted from his stream.

"No, they wouldn't want me. Too annoying."

"You're not annoying."

"I really am."

"No, you're not. You only think that because people get annoyed by some of the things you do."

"Do you get annoyed by me? Also, isn't that quite literally the definition of 'annoying'?"

"Not at all, Fal. Your presence is quite comforting."

"Oh, thank you." She said, now being flustered.

"Mhm." He hummed. The dim white light from his LEDs shined down on him which made him so much prettier than Fallon ever had recognized before. She felt her stomach twist and her heart race increase. Her overflowing boiling water hadn't even processed in her mind as she was taking in all of Tommy's features.

"Fal, something is burning." Karl startled her as he walked through the door. She ended up burning her palm on either the now exposed burner, or the hot pot of boiling water.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Well now its my skin burning! Fuck!" She yelled, turning off the stove and putting her noodles into the pot of water before going to the sink and running her hand under cold water.

"Why the fuck did you still out the noodles in?! Are you insane?!" Tommy yelled from the phone.

"im hungry british man!" She yelled in response.

"How the fuck did you burn your hand?!" Karl asked, coming into the kitchen from his room.

"You scared me when you came in, but it's okay!" Fallon said, leaning her head on the counter. "Could you transport Tommy over here and then get stuff to heal it or whatever?"

"Yes maam, im sorry."

"It's fine karl."

"How you feelin, Fal." Tommy asked with a small laugh.

"My hand hurts, really fuckin bad." She said, a small whimper escaping her mouth.

"You're the idiot who still out the noodles in the pot."

"Im hungry you douche bag." She laughed.

Tommy kept her in high spirits while Karl patched her up.

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