eight || sbi boys

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|| sbi boys ||

"Okay boys! Today we are going to have Philza Minecraft, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, and Technoblade's friend joining us today for the stream!" Tommy spoke to his chat.

"I have no idea who techno's friend is, chat." Tommy said whilst opening his coke. Tommy undefeaned on discord and saw another picture in the call.

"Hello my friends!" Tommy yelled as soon as he had undefeaned.

"Tommy this is Azazel. She's Technoblade's friend who is joining us."

"A WOMEN?!" The boy yelled loudly for the bit.

"Yes, i am indeed a woman." The girl spoke softly with a small laugh.

"SHE'S AMERICAN AS WELL! THIS JUST SIMPLY WON'T DO!" Tommy yelled as he slammed his fists on his desk hard enough to make a bang, but soft enough as to not break the desk or hurt himself.

"Be nice or Technoblade will get very upset." Phil informed.

"He won't get that upset." She lied, well, kind of lied.

"Surely she won't be actually with us." Tommy spoke, still acting out for the bit.

"She is, be nice Tom." Wilbur said in a stern voice.

"But she's a stupid American woman!" Tommy argued.

"Im only here for the clout british boy." Azazel sassed.

"Im back, any problems? Has Tommy undeafened?"

"Yes he has, are we ready?" Azazel asked, her voice flowed softly through Tommy's headset.

"Im ready, anyone else need time?" Technoblade asked.

"Im good, Will? Tom?" Phil agreed.

"I'm good to go, as is Tommy." Wilbur spoke for both of them.

"Woah woah woah! I didn't-"

"Alright, lets get started!" Azazel spoke enthusiastically.

Tommy rolled his eyes, completely forgetting he was live. The girl was making him angry for some unknown reason. At first he was going along with his usual "i hate American women" bit, but now he's just convinced he hates this specific American woman, only this one.

"So how old are you anyway, Azazel?" Tommy asked a few moments after they started playing survival in a random world for fun.

"I am-"

"Don't answer that." Technoblade demanded, cutting her off.

"What? Why not?" Azazel asked, genuinely confused as to why she shouldn't release that information.

"He's live streaming and you never know what people might do with that information." Technoblade spoke.

"You annoy me sometimes, im a minor. That's all i'll release." Azazel said.

"I can hear your eyeroll." Technoblade sassed.

"Good for you, Tech." She sassed back.

"I can hear the smirk on they're face right now." Wilbur spoke with a laugh.

"Just mine and go, mine and go." Phil said with a small chuckle.

| time skip |

"TOMMY! STOP!" Azazel yelled when she saw Tommy come and steal her newly mined gold.

"Whatever." She mumbled once he had gone off. Tommy had been annoying her for the past two hours to say the least. Stealing her iron or coal, taking her smelted iron to make armour, hitting her as he passed by her, anything he could do to annoy her he did it.

Azazel was slain by Tommyinnit

"FUCKING HELL!" She yelled, genuinely aggravated.

"I have to get ready for work, maybe i can film with you guys another time." Azazel said after a few moments of silence. "Sorry for the outburst and sorry for somehow pissing you off, Tommy. Bye guys, have fun and thank you for allowing me to join the call and play with you guys."

A ping in the call signaled the girl had just left the discord call.

"End your stream if you haven't already, Tommy." Wilbur spoke in a calm but annoyed manner.

"I ended a bit ago, what's up?"

"What the hell was that?" Technoblade asked, voice obviously pissed off.

"What was what?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy don't play fucking dumb." Technoblade scolded.

"What?" Tommy asked again.

"Tommy, you're digging a hole for yourself man." Wilbur stated.

"I'm having Mike take me to work, can you pick me up tonight? My shift ends at eleven but i still have to close up." Was what was heard distantly on Techno's end.

"Yeah sure, make sure he drives safely and you text me when you get there. Love you."

"Love you too." A door closed and Technoblade sighed.

"Who was that?" Tommy asked curiously.

"Family." Technoblade said, voice back to being monotone.

"Well i apologize for whatever i did." Tommy said, leaning into his chair.

"For whatever you- yeah, yeah let's just play." Technoblade said, cutting himself off from yelling at the boy.

It's not like Tommy remembered their conversation a few nights prior as he was sleep deprived and nobody else knew Azazel was his cousin and was living with him, except Phil of course.

He'd have to deal with it at a later point and time.

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