Vlog #32 | Going Home

Start from the beginning

Captain brie

-what the hell is in your Snapchat??? You're at the airport???
-i swear

-you can't ditch everyone like this, comeback


-could u please unblock Scarlett's number?? She's really worried about you


"Why can't i prioritize myself at least just once?" I sigh as i turn off my phone and just look to my side

Scarlett is playing with my fingers happily while literally trying to raise my middle finger and my ears being filled with her chuckle

It put a smile on my lips but once i move my hand..i realized she's not here

I just took a deep breath and started drinking the vodka shots like water. Resting my head at the sit and just cover my face starting to sob getting some flashbacks


"Babe?" Scarlett Says softly waking me up in the Middle of the night


"I love you" she whispered

" Why so random?" I chuckled

"I don't know, i just feel on saying it"

"I love you the most" i pouted kissing her


" Bubs!!!!!!" Scarlett screamed and i immediately run to the Cr worried

" What??? Are you ok??" I asked and she covered her mouth crying showing me a pregnancy test with 2 lines

" I-it worked?" I asked smiling shaking and she nodded

"We're gonna be parents" she says softly and i pulled her in a hug crying

"Can you stop kissing my stomach all the time? This lips misses you much more" Scarlett chuckled watching me just filling her bumb with kisses as we both just chilling on the bed

"Have you ever thought of a name?" I asked and she started laughing

"It's too early for that, we don't even know what's the gender yet" she says


"Ok, What do you want?"

"Uhhhh if its a girl...can we name her rose?"

"Why rose?" She asked

"Coz your name means red and your favorite color is red..it reminds me of roses" i said softly still looking at the small baby bump

"Ok, if its a boy?"

"Y'know it's impossible to have a boy in bone marrow procedure" i chuckled

" Ok then.. we're gonna name her rose"

"Can't wait to match costumes with her every year in Halloween" i said getting up sitting next to Scarlett but still caressing her stomach

"What are your plans rhis upcoming Halloween?" She asked

"I was planning for being victor and you emily but y'know you can't be in a corset"

" OH!!!!! you're gonna be a avocado and the bump is gonna be the seed then ima be the other half!!! " I added excitedly

" you're so matured aren't you?" She says laughing kissing me on the cheeks while rubbing her nose against my skin

"Ms (your last name)" a voice says snapping me back to reality

"Hm?" I hummed fixing my self sniffing and wiped my nose

"Uh i know I'm not in the place to say this.. I'm your fan and i just wanna say that everything will be ok. What I'm doing right now is so unprofessional but i just can't stop my self" she says and i just looked at her

What the hell is happening? I know she's just trying to be nice but i took first class for privacy.

"Thankyou for the concern but I'm ok." I sigh

" I honestly think you don't deserve what happened but maybe it's a sign that she's really not the one for you.."

'Is she trying to flirt?' I thought to myself

" Uhmm..with all due respect..i also think that you should not interfere at my personal life decisions" i said softly and she cleared her throat awkwardly before nodding and walked away

After 16 hours of crying and not eating we finally arrived.

I don't know how and why but I've been greeted by fans,media and paparazzi

"What the fuck" i whispered to my self and check my phone seeing paparazzi pics of me leaving new york and a picture of me in the plane that supposed to land on (the country you're from)

I came here by myself and i Don't have nay bodyguards.. this is just fucked up

*65 missed calls from unknown number*

I quickly called it worried on who it is

"Y/n?? Y/n???!! Oh my god, where are you??? I--im coming there, where are you?" A familiar voice says sounding raspy seems like they cried for hours and my hand just dropped by its own hearing her voice

"I-im ok, don't worry about me. Worry about rose" i just need some time..i love you"

I ended the call and just took a deep breath before walking in the pile of paparazzi and fans covering my really swollen eyes

After surviving the media personalities i quickly grab a taxi to the hotel i booked

Well...i have no one, my mom is in new york and the rest of my family.. don't accept me.
My father doesn't like the idea of marrying a girl and my siblings just doesn't like Scarlett because of the age gap.

Once i got in the hotel room I quickly throw my self in the bed. I hold the camera closer to me and just decided to be transparent

"My lawyer is currently working on the papers"

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