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Just like both boys had promised each other, the two would spend a lot of time hanging out at Jisung's place watching Disney movies. Occasionally Chaeryoung and Chaeyeon would join in, screaming along to the songs in Moana and Frozen a little louder than all the others. Minho wouldn't like to admit it, but he'd cried at a couple moments throughout their Disney marathon. The scene in Tangled where they sing together in the boat? Yes, he silently sniffled to that. Jisung hadn't expected him to be such a softie, but it was a lovely sight to see regardless.

Today, the two were hanging out at Minho's place. Jisung had felt guilty that the older always had to come to his house, so he's mustered up the courage to suggest hanging out at his apartment.

So he stood in the metro alone for the first time in years. He'd taken a spot near the door and had quickly learnt that being in public transport was uncomfortable as hell. Where do you even look besides your phone? But then he might miss his exit if he doesn't pay attention? But looking out the windows when you're in a tunnel seems like you're plotting a murder in your mind. Yet if you look inside the metro, people might assume you're staring at them and get the wrong idea.
He would continue to avoid traveling alone, that was one thing he knew for sure.

But in all honesty, as he looked around and glanced at the people around him, no one seemed to even be paying attention to him. He scolded his mind for thinking about three hundred negative thoughts before a positive one would even cross it, but he pushed it aside.

He finally got off when he reached the station Minho had told him was closest to his house before he headed out onto the streets. He glanced around before deducting he had to go left, so he did.
He felt slightly stressed to be in an area he wasn't familiar with, yet somewhere he also felt a rush of excitement coarse through his body. He was proud of himself for doing all of this, no matter how insignificant it might be to anyone else.

He turned the corner and entered the street Minho lived on, immediately liking the atmosphere of the place. There were a couple of small restaurants and privately owned businesses, making it feel like a tight knit neighborhood in contrast to the giant villas he was familiar with. The feeling that everyone knew each other here was more present than in his own street where it felt like everyone was trying to compete with one another to see who was the richest.
He carefully read the numbers on the apartment blocks and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw number 325, which Minho had told him was his apartment. Jisung walked up two flights of stairs before reaching the door that held the small number next to it. He rang the doorbell and waited, shuffling his feet to get rid of any excess anxiety he still felt.

The door swung open, revealing a Minho the boy hadn't seen before. Tousled hair, sweatpants and a simple black t-shirt as well as round glasses perched on the tip of his nose.

"Hey Sung-ah, come on in. I'm sorry I look like a mess, I pretty much just woke up."

"H-Hey, it's fine you look good." Jisung blabbered as be passed Minho and entered the narrow hallway.
"Oh? I look good like this?" Minho smuggly grinned as he raised one of his eyebrows, watching Jisung take off his shoes before stepping further into the apartment. The younger instantly tensed up slightly, turning around to face Minho as Jisung quickly waved his hands in defense.

"No— I mean, yeah... it's—" He sighed, admitting his defeat. The older laughed before taking a step forward, closing the gap between the two as they were now suffocatingly close.

"It's okay Jisungie. You can come over more so you can enjoy the view more, hm?" His flirtatious acts certainly worked their ways on the boy, as Jisung's face began to heat up and turn red.


"Lets go, you can meet my cats." With that, Minho passed a flustered and frozen Jisung, opening the door to the livingroom. Instantly, three cats pushed their noses through the opening as they rushed into the hallway, two of them running up to Jisung immediately as the other orange cat stuck by Minho.

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