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No one had expected this to happen, and none of them were really prepared for what happened next. Seungmin could visibly see the gears fall into place behind Jisung's eyes, as the boy's mind seemed to finally break down the wall of fiction and reveal itself to the truth. His face turned incredibly pale within mere seconds as his hand reached over to the doorframe for support.

Seungmin was glad that he'd already stood up as he darted towards Jisung after only a short moment, who's legs were about to give out underneath him. Right as his best friend began to slide down, Seungmin reached him and caught him in his arms. It seemed to be the catalyst that sparked the next few moments to happen.

Jisung started screaming. But not the screams you'd hear when someone was in physical pain; they were screams of agony. Tears ran down his cheeks as his eyes clouded over, dazed in confusion as he didn't want to come face to face with reality just yet. He just wanted Minho the be real for just a few more minutes at the very least.

"Oh fuck—! Lix, call Miss Kwon!" Seungmin called out in a rather calm tone, knowing both him as well as Hyunjin also had Jisung's personal nurse under speed dial.

Jeongin, Chan and Changbin felt hopeless, not knowing what to do or what was happening, as none of them had been filled in about Jisung's condition. They knew he was struggling with his mental health, but the situation at hand wasn't clicking just yet. It wouldn't take long for them to understand though, as Jisung's next words hit like a truck.

"He-He's real, Min! He's real! He-he's real he's real he's—"

"Jisung, Jisung listen to me. You need to calm down." Seungmin was shaking himself, heart hammering in his throat as he knew his best friend was currently experiencing the biggest episode of his life and quite honestly, Seungmin didn't know if he was capable of helping him. Seungmin was only seventeen himself, no amount of time and research could've probably prepared him.

"I-It can't be. H-He just went to the toilet! Y-Yes! Minho's really here, lets go look for him, right Minnie?"

Jisung's words were holding onto whatever hope the boy had left, wishing so well that everything he thought he'd know and done the past few months hadn't been a complete lie. That his boyfriend had just silently slipped away to take a piss at the worst timing. Yet the tears that continued to flow down his cheeks were telling the real story. The truth that Jisung already knew, but was currently trying so desperately to push away.

"Ji... Minho... he isn't here. I don't think he ever was..."

"W-What?! How can you say that! You weren't h-here with him and I!?" Jisung's breathing got ragged, an anxiety attack already starting without the boy realising. His mind was too focussed on trying to disprove the truth that it failed to notice his body shutting down.

Changbin seemed to snap out of his frozen state as he got up, rushing over towards the two boys sitting in the doorframe. He passed by Felix, who was crying on the phone as he spoke to 'Miss Kwon', telling her to hurry home. Changbin sat down beside Seungmin and faced Jisung, holding onto his shoulders to steady to boy whom had already started to slump over with ragged breaths even if he was already in Seungmin's grasp.

"Han Jisung. You need to breathe. Everything is going to be okay." He tried to help, he really did. But the sentence he spoke caused Jisung's mind to flash to the image of just ten minutes ago, when Minho— his boyfriend, was telling him the exact same thing.

A loud sob escaped over Jisung's lips as he suddenly became angry. Not at Seungmin or Changbin, or anyone in particular. He was trying to cope with the information of Minho being an illusion, and so he became angry at everything. He wasn't going to accept this so easily, no way. This wasn't real.
He shook himself free from Changbin's soft hold, as well as Seungmin's arms before standing up.

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