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Hyunjin felt someone shake him harshly causing the boy to slowly open his eyes, eyelashes fluttering as his gaze landed upon a frantic looking Seungmin. He immediately felt his heart drop, knowing something must be terribly wrong. Any grogginess was now gone, attention completely on his boyfriend.

"Seungmin what's wr—"

"Jisung is gone! He left the house!"

"He did what?! How do you know? Isn't he just upstai—"

"The front door was open wide, the twins are still asleep and Miss Kwon is already calling the police. It's two a.m Hyunjin, I don't know how long he's been gone and I'm so fucking worried. Lets go outside and look for him." Hyunjin couldn't comprehend what was happening. Jisung had gone outside on his own 'will'? Which was a terrifying thought, knowing that boy would never do that without being absolutely out of it.

"Do you think it's because of what we said? About Felix?" Hyunjin said as Seungmin pulled him up from the small couch, both boys now leaving the room and rushing down the stairs into the giant entrance hall. "Probably, Miss Kwon said he might be having another episode, we need to be quick."

"Wait fuck... really?! Is it that bad? Wait, fuck that. Yes, it's fucking bad." Hyunjin retracted as he put on his shoes. Miss Kwon came rushing up to them, car keys in hand.
"The police is going through the surrounding area, but do you boys know where he might be? We have no clue when he left so he might be further away than we think." She said, also putting on her coat as the boys did as well.

"Shouldn't you stay with the twins, Miss Kwon?" Hyunjin said, worrying about everyone.

"They're fast asleep and they're already ten. I'll lock up the place and they should be okay."

"But what if Jisung gets back? What if he didn't bring his keys? He forgot his phone too?" Seungmin said, making all three wonder for a moment.
"You're right but, I have a car. I am faster than you two and he is my responsibility in the end. How about one of you stay here instead?"

"Absolutely not! I'm helping to find him!" Hyunjin yelled, causing Miss Kwon to hiss and tell him to quiet down, not wanting the twins to wake up.

"No, she's right. I'll stay. Hyunnie, you know where to go check, right?" Seungmin said, sad smile on his face. His boyfriend knew arguing was pointless as it was a good point that at least someone should stay home, so he just nodded.

"I'll come back with him." Hyunjin said with determination in his voice, Seungmin just nodding before giving the older a kiss on the cheek. Miss Kwon just blinked twice, unaware of their relationship until this point, but it wasn't the time to have a tea party and discuss the romance between them. So, her and Hyunjin left through the gate and got into her car.

"So, where to?" She asked before noticing Hyunjin was already typing in a street name.

"If he is anywhere on his own will, I'm confident he'd go here."


Jisung sat on the swing, slowly rocking back and forth as he stared ahead of him. He'd completely lost track of time, but at some point the rain had started to pour down on him. He wondered if the gods were crying with him, if this was their way of telling him they were sorry for making him the way he was. For a long time, there was no one apart from him in the small playground. It was just him, the cold rain and the distant sound of cars travelling along the highway which was close by. That was, until the rain suddenly stopped. At least, it stopped pouring on the boy. He blinked as he dazily glanced to his right, eyes staring straight into brown orbs.

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