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"What? You want me to come and hang out with you?" The boy sounded surprised, which he rightfully deserved to be. Even though Jisung and Minho had known each other for almost three weeks now, the older hadn't expected the boy to let him into his house so quick after being told his 'secret'.

"O-Only if you want to, hyung. I'm home alone right now and I'm bored. But if you have other things to do, I understand!"

"No, that's not it. I'd like to come over, I just didn't expect you to ask me so soon."

"Is it a bad thing?"

"Not at all. Send me your address and I'll be there in 40 minutes or so."

"Sure, see you in a bit."

The younger hung up and texted Minho his address, the older responding that he'd probably be there sooner than expected as it wasn't that far away. Jisung took the time to pick up his dirty laundy and throw it in the laundry basket in his bathroom. Even if he had Miss Kwon and two other maids, he did these small things himself. Unless his depression was kicking his butt and he was unmotivated, but at least he tried to clean his own mess most of the time. The voices had been surprisingly quiet today, finally allowing Jisung to feel calm for once. The medication was supposed to be arriving in three days, so the boy wasn't entirely sure why he was having a good mental day already, he really wasn't used to it.

He'd made his way downstairs when the bell for the front gate buzzed. He checked the camera and saw it was Minho, so he opened the gate before closing it after the older had walked through. Jisung waited a bit to open the door, not wanting to seem like he was overly excited. The doorbell rang and the boy counted to three before pulling the door open, smiling as his eyes met Minho's.


"Hi, come on in!" Minho walked through the door, looking around in awe at the younger's house.

"When I saw the giant fence I didn't know what to expect but gosh, your house is huge."

"Yeah, my parents are kinda rich. It's technically not my house or my money, so I don't really care. I'm used to it but don't flaunt with money at all, but I appreciate the... compliment?"

"I see, I couldn't imagine you being a snob so that makes sense." Minho chuckled, imagining Jisung being a spoiled rich brat.

"Do you want something to drink?" Jisung asked whilst the older took off his shoes.

"Yeah, that'd be nice. I just finished uni for the day so I haven't really had the chance to sit down yet." Jisung nodded, leading the way to the kitchen. "Water is just fine." Minho said whilst Jisung put the glass to the tab in the fridge, watching it fill up slowly.

"So, I was thinking we could watch anime? You mentioned wanting to start watching Jujutsu Kaisen, so I thought we could watch together? Especially if you might be a bit tired from uni?"

"Sure, that'd be nice!"

The two decided to watchin Jisung's room, even if there were other places in the house that could be a better option. The boys went upstairs, Jisung holding the drinks and a bag op chips in his hands. He pushed the door to his room open, allowing Minho to enter first.

"You can sit down on the bed, I'll turn the tv on and start Crunchyroll." Jisung said, putting down everything he was holding on the night stands. Minho nodded, sitting down on the left side of the king sized bed. Jisung grabbed the remote as well as the controller for the playstation, starting it up before sitting down on the other side of the bed. The younger put the bag op chips inbetween them, cringing at the thought of finding crumbs in his bed later.

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