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School had started again and the time for the final exams was right around the corner. In one week, the entire '00 line would be sweating as they would be pushing through the final few tests of their high school career. Sadly Jisung wasn't allowed to take them at home, so he would actually have to be going to his old school to do them. Thankfully he was allowed to sit in a seperate room and he had already been outside in recent times, but it still felt less than optimal— to say the least.

Jisung was currently finishing up the final reports he had to work on, feeling frustrated at economics for the first time in his life. Ever since he'd met Minho, his interest in economics had continued to shrink, however he hadn't gotten the chance to tell his parents yet. They'd both be home when his exams began to support him and drive him to and from school. He had to finish high school anyways, so there was no real point in bringing it up now. He hadn't picked out a university to go to anyways, as his parents could get him a job in either of the companies they worked for.

"Jisung, can I come in?" He heard Miss Kwon say as she knocked on the door to his bedroom. He answered she could and the door pushed open, revealing Miss Kwon walking in with dinner.

"I made you some fried rice and some greens. Make sure to eat it all, you didn't come downstairs for lunch." She said sternly, placing the food down on his desk beside Jisung's homework.

"I will, thank you Miss Kwon." He smiled sweetly, already grabbing the bow of rice and the neatly placed chopsticks beside it.

"Don't forget to take your medication as well!"

"I won't, thank you!" He spoke before stuffing his cheeks with food. She watched him for a moment, rolling her eyes playfully before she turned around to leave.
Jisung continued to type away on his laptop as he was preparing to submit the final version of his homework. He always wrote the first draft on paper, it usually allowed him to keep his train of thought a little longer than usual. Occasionally stuffing his mouth with kimchi and beef, he was lost in his thoughts as he was finally fully emerged into his work. He really just wanted to finish it already, so he could watch Hotel Del Luna instead. Minho had recommended it to him recently and honestly, he'd been hooked after just three episodes.

Thinking of the older, his phone screen lit up as his caller ID showed. As they'd never called before, Jisung picked up his phone feeling rather confused.

"Hello hyung?"

"Hey Jisung! What're you up to?"

"Oh, I'm studying. Why did you call?"

"Ahh, I see. Well, I was bored and neither Chan or Changbin want to entertain me... So I called you up in hopes you were playing the piano, but I see I interrupted your homework."

"No, no— it's fine. I'm actually finishing up, I can call you back in ten minutes or so, I haven't played today yet anyways."

"Sounds good to me. Call be back then, yeah?"

"Alright, talk to you in a bit." Jisung said before hanging up, his leg bouncing up and down excitedly as he hurriedly started typing everything into the computer. He was glad he didn't need to think during this process, because his mind was already wondering which piece he should play. Maybe a romantic one? Or be a complete nerd and do an anime opening? Maybe he should ask Minho, however last time he did the older boy didn't even give him a suggestion.
As he finished typing, he read over everything one final time, making sure there were no spelling or grammar mistakes before confidently submitting it to his teacher.

He got up from his chair and grabbed his phone as he shoved it in the pocket of his sweatpants, before grabbing the tray his empty bowls stood on.
He carried them down the stairs and dropped the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, before heading to the library. He fished his phone out of his pocket as he dialled Minho, happy to hear his voice after the phone had only rang once. His crush really had been waiting for him to call again.

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