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Somehow Jisung had managed to attend to his finals in person. His mother had walked into school with him, where the two of them made their way to the seperate room that was prepared for Jisung to take his tests in. It had been weird to be back in those hallways after all those years, especially as he noted how literally nothing, except some upcoming event posters, had changed. The lockers were still the same  disgusting taupe color as before and some doors to the classrooms still had some cursewords spray painted on them. He wondered how many times they'd been repainted in his absence, or if they had just given up on them a long time ago.

He'd seen his friends in the hallway, making a quick detour to give them all a hug. Felix was stressed about their mathematics exam that first day, so Jisung made sure to hug him a little longer than usual to show his support.

And because he definitely needed a hug himself as well.

After that, he'd made it to the seperate classroom with his mother, who would be staying with him the entire time, and had met the teacher that would be surveilling him. Of course his mother had to sit all the way at the back without trying to communicate with her son in the slightest, but she was there and it was enough to keep Jisung calm. He'd mentally thanked his doctor for writing him that official note at least seven times in the carride that morning.

Without much surprise, Jisung finished both tests of the day pretty quickly, which would continue to be the same for the rest of the week. He finished his final test on Thursday around noon, so his mother decided to drive by his favorite pastry to pick up a strawberry cheesecake on the way back. Jisung had waited in the car, chatting with his friends who were all screaming about how they must've failed the test. The rest of the '00 line still had two more tests the following day, but Jisung was glad he had finished already. They'd hear the results in three weeks, that's when they would (hopefully) finally graduate high school and start a new chapter in their lives.

So that's where we are right now, three weeks after they had finished their exams. The entire friendgroup had come over to Jisung's house, support the four best friends as they would be called to hear the final results. It was currently 1:54 p.m. and the teachers would start calling at two. Everyone knew Seungmin was probably the first to be called, as his last name's first letter was the first one in the alphabet*.

"I'm so stressed, I did so bad I truly think I failed." Hyunjin sighed, sulking as he stuffed his face with chips. Seungmin instantly reached his right arm around his boyfriend to comfort him. "Well, what's done is done. I'm sure you've done better than expected."

"Yeah, that's true." Jisung sat on a big chair together with Changbin, leaning against the older lazily as the two had gotten pretty close.
"I hate waiting." Jisung announced, slapping Changbin's knee softly in pure boredom.

"Nothing much you can do about it, hyung." Jeongin responded.

Suddenly, Jisung's phone rang. Everyone's eyes darted to him as his mother entered the room upon hearing it as well. He picked up, not glancing at the number as he greeted the other person on the line.

"Hey Jisung-ah! Do you know the result yet?"

It was his grandmother.

"Hey grandma! ...No, I don't know yet. I'll probably know in half an hour.... Yeah, I'll call you back when I know, okay? ... Okay thanks grandma, bye!" A loud sigh was heard coming from multiple people in the room as Jisung's mother rolled her eyes.

"I told her to call me instead of you. Well, at least that's out of the way for now. Aish, I came running in for no reason."

It was now a quarter past two. Everyone was talking amongst themselves, joking around until Seungmin's phone rang. In an instant silence overtook the room, everyone quiet as Seungmin sighed before grabbing his phone. He was confident that he had passed as he had done a lot of studying, but his hands couldn't help but tremble slightly. He picked up the phone and it felt like no one in the room was breathing. Even Jisung's mother, who had seated herself at the kitchen island away from the teenagers, had turned around patiently anticipating his results.

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