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The party had been progressing well. Jisung managed to hold multiple conversations with all three of the unfamiliar boys, which all seemed quite lovely. It turned out that Changbin was the sweetest guy ever, who wouldn't hurt a fly if he didn't have to. Jisung still kept his physical distance from them however, Felix sitting beside him on the couch the entire time knowing his slightly older friend would appreciate it. He'd known Chan from a couple years before, but he'd always been a little intimidated as the boy is three years older than him. And thirtheen and sixteen year olds dont match too well together even if Chan was like a big brother to them.

They were currently watching a horror movie, which Jisung loved and Felix didn't at all. The boy hid his face in Jisung's shoulder whenever a jumpscare happened on screen, which only caused the smaller to chuckle. He'd grown rather tired, his lack of sleep finally kicking in as he watched the screen rather uninterested. Whenever his eyes were about to fall shut Felix would jump into his side, causing them to open again.
When the movie finally came to an end, the boy sat motionless as he still stared at the tv screen, which had now gone dark.

"—th to Jisung?"

"Hmmm?" He dragged out a hum and turned to look at Seungmin, who was staring at him with slight concern. "You okay?" His friend whispered, not wanting to alert anyone else about their little conversation in the off chance the boy wasn't feeling good.

"Yeah, I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Thanks for asking though, Minnie."

"Should we play some Cards Against Humanity before we go call it a night?" Hyunjin proposed, to which all boys agreed. The game quickly went from somewhat wholesome, to questionably sexual, to almost offensive and downright gross.
Jeongin and Changbin turned out to be extremely good at the game, but Jisung wasn't sure if that was something to be proud of. Nevertheless, he was shocked at how bad Jeongin's responses to the prompt were.

What gets better with age?


Needless to say, everyone lost their mind when he pulled out that combo. Chan went ahead to scold the boy (jokingly), telling him to ask the heavens for forgiveness. Hyunjin nearly fainted over the realisation that their youngest friend wasn't innocent in the slightest, whilst Seungmin high-fived the boy in his easy victory.
It didn't take long before Jisung finally managed to get a win, which caused him to jump excitedly up and down as a surge of energy hit him. He usually wasn't that good at the game, so when Changbin gave him the card he smiled sweetly and told him 'you're the best'. Naturally, this caused Seungmin, Felix and Hyunjin to start a small argument over who actually was the best friend, which ended up in the conclusion that it was Jeongin. How? They didn't stop argueing so the youngest interfered and called himself the best, saying things like 'maknae on top' and what not.

After the whole ordeal, they played for about an hour longer, eventually crowning Jeongin as the rightful winner. Jisung would've definitely started an argument in support of his new friend, had he not been the winner of the game. It was past midnight, so Changbin, Chan and Jeongin took it as their cue to leave.

"Thanks for having us Hyunjin, I had a lot of fun today." The eldest said as they stood outside alongside Jeongin and Changbin. The four boys on the inside stood tightly knit together, waving the others goodbye for the night.

"Thanks for coming, I'm glad you could all make it."

"Lets do it again sometime soon! Will you join us then as well, Jisungie hyung?"

"Hmmaybe." The boy mumbled, a shy and tired smile on his lips as he wasn't quite sure if he could make such promises just yet. It seemed to be enough of an answer for everyone, as Changbin just smiled fondly at the boy he only met today. He had already grown an incredibly sweet spot for the shy boy, feeling a natural need to protect him.

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