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Hyunjin and Seungmin left the next morning at around 2 pm, both having to prepare for their upcoming exams. The two had made sure the previous night that Jisung had taken his medication after a big struggle, the boy suddenly claiming he didn't need to take them because he was fine. Eventually, Miss Kwon heard the commotion and had convinced Jisung to take them.

He was now seated in his room, dinner next to him on his desk as he scribbled away in his notebook. It was probably cold by this time, he hadn't touched his kimchi fried rice in over 30 minutes as he was too focused on his homework to actually remember to eat. He was stressed due to it being the assignment he would get graded on heavily and in reality, he hadn't been studying much for the subject. So, the essay was a lot tougher than he would like. He got brought out of his trance when his phone vibrated next to his hand. He glanced over, seeing it was from 'Weird Lee Minho'.

Weird Lee Minho

Hey Jisung!
Is it time to tell each other our favorite colors?
Mine is black even tho people say it's a shade
What about yours?
7.13 pm

Han Jisung

Hello, Minho hyung
Black is a shade but i accept people saying it's their favorite color
Mine is blue
But not a dark blue
More like the sky during a clear summer day
What are you currently up to?
7.14 pm

Weird Lee Minho

Blue is a good color too, especially the one you mentioned
I'm studying for my exams :[
7.14 pm

Han Jisung

Me too actually
Shouldnt that mean youre supposed to focus on studying instead of texting me?
7.15 pm

Lee Minho

True, but I got bored so decided to text you again!
If you want to focus on your own studies, you can just go though
7.16 pm

Han Jisung

No it's fine
I kind of needed a distraction
You have good timing
7.16 pm

Jisung spend the next two hours chatting away with the older, talking about little things such as their hobbys, favorite foods, movies and their upcoming exams. It turned out Minho had a passion for photography on the side, him and his buddies would take pictures of themselves like they were some famous supermodels. Jisung admired the older's confidence, but he couldn't deny by looking at the older's profile picture that he wasn't attractive. 'Anyone would be confident with a face like that.'

He sighed to himself as he finished another paragraph, finally calling it quits for the evening. He glanced over at his untouched food as he decided to bring it down to the kitchen, and maybe grab a small snack whilst he was there. His stomach rumbled, signifying it agreed with that decision.
The lights were already off in the giant house as he made his way to the kitchen. Glazing his hand over the wall, he found the switch and quickly turned on the light. Disposing of his dinner in the trashcan, he started humming a song to himself. It was one of his favorites by Dean, Half Moon. Something about it always caused him to relax and enjoy the quiet around him, not allowing any weird thoughts to enter his brain. It seemed as if the voices in his head agreed that when he was singing, they'd be quiet for a short moment. Maybe they enjoyed the performance as well, is what the boy liked to think.

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