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Jisung sat in his room, tapping his foot softly along the beat he had just composed. Softly humming a melody with unknown words, he enjoyed the quiet times he didn't get a lot of. His younger twin sisters Chaeyoung and Chaeryeong always nagged at his head, demanding to play hide and seek with him in their gigantic house. You'd think when you're twins, you constantly have each other to annoy. Unlucky for him, Jisung's attention was always something the girls wanted. So, when he was in his room without anyone bothering him; he was in his happy place. He would have continued to have a great time, if his best friend Kim Seungmin didn't burst through the door.

"Jisung! You better be available because I need to talk to you about my date with Hyunnie!" Jisung rolled his eyes as he stopped the beat, not really wanting to let anyone hear just yet. Even though he had rolled his eyes and had to give up his alone time, he gave Seungmin a welcoming smile.

"Tell me everything. It took you two long enough to finally go on that date, I'm proud of you both!"

And so Seungmin told Jisung everything. Seungmin and Hyunjin had started at a small cafe, eating some delicious cake and drinking the sweetest hot chocolates. Jisung sulked jokingly, telling Seungmin he should've brought him some cheesecake. His best friends' answer? 'Get yourself a boyfriend!' After the cafe date, the two boys had gone to an arcade and had played a ton of games. Jisung squeeled as he was told that Hyunjin had won Seungmin a puppy plushie because it had 'reminded Hyunjin of Seungmin'.

"—and then as we were leaving, he turned around and kissed me on the cheek! I really didn't have any hope anything would happen, seeing it felt like any other day when we hung out. I couldn't believe it!"

"Oh my god man, that's so cute."

"Right? But then I asked him if I could kiss him... so then we kissed! Like... on the lips!"

Jisung threw his pillow in the air as he kicked his feet around, falling back on his bed. He was so excited for his best friend to finally date his long time crush. It had been exhausting for him to hear about Hyunjin 25/8, but he always sucked it up. He loved Seungmin so he would listen to his rambling until the end of time. If he had to hear about Hyunjin's perfect golden locks for the nth time, he would. Besides, Hyunjin was also his best friend, the boy just didn't really share who he crushed on with Jisung.

"I'm so happy for you Minnie! You're going to be the cutest guys around. Oh, I'm sorry; the cutest gays around. I'm jealous, you have someone as amazing as Hyunjin."

"You'll find someone some day... maybe? If there is someone to handle you, that is." The pillow that had landed back in Jisung hands moment before made contact with Seungmin's face. The boy let out a loud laugh before he moved over to give Jisung a hug. "Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you alone now that I'm in a relationship."

"I know, I'm not worried. Plus, you hanging out with your boyfriend more because, well... you're boyfriends? Anyways, you spending more time with him now is more logical, so don't worry. Just don't completely forget about me and we're good!" Seungmin let go of Jisung and gave him a quick questioning look, but gave his older friend a soft smile afterwards. The whole reason why he had even said it out loud was because he knew Jisung had abandonment issues, but he decided not to press on. If Jisung said it was okay, he would believe his best friend.

"So, how has your day gone so far? That beat I just heard sounds fire man, how's it coming along?"

"Hmmm," Jisung groaned in frustration before speaking again, "writers block is still being a bitch. I have the beat and even the melody... but the lyrics just won't come? This has never happened to me before, I'm so frustrated Minnie. I want to get it done already, it sounds like it can be such a bop."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, you always do. Maybe you should take a little break... and leave the house again?" Seungmin tried softly, a little scared to even suggest it. Jisung instantly shook his head, small smile still on his lips. "I don't want to go outside again Minnie, you know that."

"I-I know Sungie. But it may be what you need! It doesn't need to be far, even a walk around the block is fine. I can also go with you, right? You don't have to do it alone, I'm with you!"

"Thanks Minnie... maybe another time, okay?" Seungmin just nodded, a sad frown on his face. Jisung wasn't aware of it though, he had turned to his desk to grab something from a drawer. The younger stared at his best friend's back, concern slipping back in. It was a constant feeling he experienced when he was with Jisung. The latter always put on a front that he was fine and that there was nothing to worry about, or that his lifestyle was normal. Sadly, it was the complete opposite. However no one was ready to confront Jisung about it, not even his parents. He himself didn't even want to face that reality, or could... for that matter.

"My mom got me this Swiss chocolate when she was away abroad. I don't eat chocolate, so I figured you might want it. You can share it with Hyunnie! See it as a 'congratulations on getting together'-gift." Seungmin couldn't say no, knowing Jisung really wouldn't eat it regardless.

"Thanks Sungie, I'll make sure to share it with him well..."

'And I hope you could be there too sometime.'


Introduction chapter! I'm back with another story AHHHHHHH. I have 7 chapters ready, and I won't be uploading quick one after the other. I'm thinking around 5 days inbetween uploads and that will get smaller as I write more! I'm really excited and hope you will continue to join me in this story!

For trigger warnings: semi-graphic depictions of someone struggling with their mental illness, medication/pills.

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