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Jisung's eyes hurt as he opened them. The mixture of bright light as well as the tears from the day before caused hem to sting. As he pondered for a moment why he had cried the day before, he suddenly realised he was sitting in a hospital bed. He shot upright and his eyes widened as he recollected the events of the day before. Tears immediately welled up in his eyes again.

"Minho's not real..." He whispered aloud to himself. He felt a pang of grief hit him, but it was pushed aside as his brain told him to panick instead.

He was in a hospital.

A.k.a he wasn't in his house.

He noticed he wasn't attached to an IV or anything, so he took of the band around his upper arm that monitored his heartbeat. Just as he was about to stand up and walk out, the door opened and Miss Kwon walked in, alongside his father and doctor. His feet dangled awkwardly from the side of his bed, showing everyone what his intentions had been.

"Good morning, Jisung. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked —ignoring the boy's obvious attempt to leave, whilst his dad walked towards him. Without saying anything, Jisung knew what he wanted and so the two hugged each other tightly. Only when Jisung pulled back from the hug did he turn to the doctor to respond.

"Physically or mentally?" He stated plainly, hoping to get out of the situation and head home as soon as possible.

"Both, but especially the latter."

"Physically I'm fine. I just feel a bit lightheaded. As for mentally... I mean, I guess I'm not okay."

"You guess? Could you explain it more to me?"

"Well I thought I had a boyfriend for the past 2 months but it turns out he isn't real. So." Jisung said agitatedly, turning to his father as he noticed the hint of surprise in his face. But when their gazes met, his father just smiled at him.

'Oh right. He didn't know yet.'

"I see... I can understand why you might not be feeling too well. I'm sure Miss Kwon has already messages your psychiatrist so you can have a meeting with her soon. Now, have you been taking your medication regularly?"

"Yeah, but I recently got it so I don't know it it's helping or not. Especially if I still saw—... imagined... Minho hyung these past three weeks. But I haven't been as dissociated or anxious whilst I was on it."

"Alright. Lets keep you on it for a while to see if it improves and if not, we'll have to find a different one that'd fit you better."

"Okay, thank you. I assume I can go home?"

"Yes, there are no changes in your medication and you're physically healthy to go. You have Miss Kwon and your father with you, so I feel assured that you will have enough support for the first few days. If any trouble arises, feel free to concact me."

"Okay, thank you." Jisung repeated and not long after, he left, walking behind Miss Kwon and alongside his father. Him and his dad took a seperate car from Miss Kwon, so they now sat quietly in the car as they headed home. Jisung stared blankly out the window, not really knowing what to say. His father seemed to have a lot on his mind though, as he broke the silence.

"I'm sorry for failing you, son." To this, Jisung's head snapped back to look at his dad, eyes widening as he opened his mouth slightly. He wanted to tell his father that it was okay, but he didn't get the chance as the old man continued.

"Your mother and I should've known something was up... we're your parents! Yet we've barely been home these past months whilst you were suffering alone without our knowledge. I am so sorry, Jisung."

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