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Thursday June 6th, 3:15 pm.

That was the time displayed on Jisung's lock screen as he continued to frantically check the time every couple of seconds. He sat on the couch of his livingroom, tapping his right foot nervously as he (im)patiently waited for Changbin to pick him up. The boy had slept surprisingly well that night, exhausted from the amount of socializing he had to do due to his friends' surprise visit. He was thankful for it though, for he had probably worried endlessly in regard to meeting Minho if he hadn't been dead asleep. It'd also make sure he didn't have bags under his eyes, so it was a win-win situation overall.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bell to the front gate rang, signaling the arrival of Changbin. Jisung grabbed his phone, keys and wallet and shoved them all into his pockets as he grabbed a thin jacket. Summer was about to start, but the wind was still pretty chilly as the immense heat was only to arrive at the end of the month.

"I'm off!" He yelled to Miss Kwon as he darted through the door, not waiting for a reply as she knew he'd be out anyways. He waved at Changbin as he closed his door before walking to the front gate. Pressing a button on the small remote attached to his keys, the gate opened slightly and Jisung slipped through as he reached it.

"Hey Jisung, how's it going?"

"Hey hyung, I'm alright... a bit nervous. How about you?"

"I'm good, thanks! I heard the boys helped you unwind a bit yesterday?" Changbin mentioned as the two started walking towards the subway station nearby.
"Yeah, it was a lot of fun, shame you couldn't come because of work."

"Well it's fine, since we get to spend today together right?" Changbin said as he smiled at the younger sweetly. The older boy wouldn't admit it —not out loud at least, but he felt a slight tinge of happiness when he heard that Jisung would've liked him to be there too.

"True." Jisung agreed as they turned the corner, subway entrance becoming visible which caused Jisung's breathing to hitch for a second. He hated public transport. There were just too many people in such a small space and getting out of the metro was his worst nightmare. To push past people and to rush through the narrow doors. He was glad people had enough decency to let those leaving the metro get out before getting on themselves. If that hadn't been the case, Jisung might've never boarded a subway or train ever again.
Changbin seemed to have noticed the slight change in Jisung's behaviour, noting how the boy's now paler face also wore a frown. After giving it a single thought on whether or not to do it, Changbin gently grabbed Jisung's hand and squeezed it a bit.


"I'll keep you safe in there okay? There's nothing to worry about. People are too busy with their phones to look at you anyways."

"T-Thanks." 'God damn, did I have to stutter?' He cursed to himself as the two stepped onto the escalator, starting their descend into the station. Thankfully for Jisung, they only needed to ride two stops before reaching their destination. The station thankfully wasn't as packed, as it was around an hour before the floods of people returning home from work would really start. The pair made it to the platform in no time and waited for two minutes before their metro arrived.
Getting on Changbin pulled Jisung to the opposite side, taking their spot to wait at the other door.

"This way we can leave faster. Plus it's only two stops anyways." Again, the sweet smile creeped its way onto Changbin's face and Jisung couldn't help but return the same smile. The older really knew how to keep Jisung as comfortable as possible.

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