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"I feel really bad for him." The brown haired boy spoke to Chan as the two of them waited for Changbin to return from his shift. The older nodded, understanding very well where Minho was coming from.

"Yeah, I'm also pretty worried about all of this."

"What do you mean?"

"You, him, meeting. I know it's been a week already and everything has gone smoothly so far, but you told me how he looked at you." Chan sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Why couldn't life just be easier?

"Yeah... his eyes were literally sparkling, I honestly thought a couple of times he was about to cry."

"Wouldn't have blamed him. You are sitting next to him, after all."

"Hm? What do you mean by that?"

"Obviously he's still in love with you."

Minho's eyes widened slightly. Normally he was pretty good at picking up when someone was interested, yet he hadn't really noticed with Jisung. Maybe because they'd only met in person twice just a little over seven days ago, but more people had proclaimed they'd liked him the second they'd met. It wasn't him bragging, it had really happened on at least three seperate occasions. But with the blond he hadn't noticed at all, so the words Chan just spoke came as a surprise.

"Really?" Chan rolled his eyes at the density of his close friend, wondering how it could not be obvious based on what he'd been told by Minho as well as Changbin.

"There's not a single bone in my body that's doubting this. He's had the perfect boyfriend in his mind for a couple months, is head over heels, and then he turns out to not be real. Not even three weeks later, when he is clearly not over his feelings yet, he meets the person that his boyfriend looked like. Sure your personality is different— which is still awesome by the way, but it's hard to let go off those feelings."

"I— Why didn't I think of it like that before? Well either way, whilst he is definitely my type... I don't have feelings for him in that way. At least, not yet? Who knows, he's definitely cute and super sweet."

"Just don't give him hope to then break his heart. Be clear with the boundaries okay? Not for yourself, but for him."

"Yes dad. Besides, there's someone else who's clearly interested in him." At the mention of this, Chan sighed even deeper than before whilst he slouched even further down into his chair.

"Don't even get me started on that. That idiot doesn't know the difference between adoration and liking someone. Jisung smiles at him once and his heart is doing belly flips because the boy's so cute. You just want to wrap him in a blanket, give him some hot choco and keep him safe forever. Even I want to do that, but I have the same with Felix. You just want to protect them."

"You sure you don't like him? Sounds like Jisung creating a harem for himself at this rate."

"Oh please, you know he's just gives off the vibe that you need to protect him."

"Well, I can't argue with that. Speaking of Lix by the way, can't we set Changbin up so he can actually get into a relationship? Pining for Jisung will be useless, the boy is clearly not interested."

"Maybe. But if there's no interest towards Felix, it might end up upsetting my favorite Aussie. Can't have that happening now, can I?"

"I don't know what you said but sure."

Just then the door to Changbin's bedroom opened, owner of said room walking in with a tired expression on his face. Upon seeing his cousin and best friend though, it lit up slightly as a grin appeared on his face.

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