Then, some people felt that his full strength would only get him shortlisted in the provincial competition, but he was now the provincial competition champion...


This group of people finally discovered that what they'd seen back then had been merely 5%, and they were complete, utter fools.


Those who'd thought they had seen through it all back then were all fools, and those who'd been dead-set on Odin due to his face back then all laughed themselves into silly fools.

There was nothing in the world more exciting than a 100% victory rate!

... No, there was!

It was the first time that the iceberg War God, the one who was like a flower of kaolin, asked to make a speech!

The fans smiled like sunflowers, surrounding the male god on the stage like he was the sun. They only wished their smiles could be like solar power, charging 100,000 volts of electricity right at him.

The fans: "OvO what does the male god want to say?! We'll clean our ears to listen carefully... Oh, no, we'll kneel and listen! Your Majesty, please give us your orders!"

"It definitely isn't a 'no' this time, could it be a 'thank you' instead? Kneeling and begging the male god to say two words instead of one. It's not easy for us to make little video clips, we've waited and starved for so many days for just a little audio clip..."


The ones who could do nothing but scream shrilly were the real face-cons, because they were already at a state where they couldn't hear anything. They had already set themselves to boil up automatically whenever they looked at his face.

The collective high tide of the audience lasted for several minutes during which their iceberg male god finally adjusted his thoughts.

He had been holding the microphone for two minutes and was suspiciously silent. He looked at Victor, who was beneath the stage, then looked up at the fireworks, and finally seemed to have fully armed himself and was now willing to start--


From when he uttered the first syllable, everyone at the scene seemed to have suddenly become adjustable-volume surround sound, the volume dropping instantly from 1000% to 10%. One second later, all sound disappeared completely.

It was horribly quiet.

And, they discovered that they couldn't understand it.

What kind of language was it? It wasn't like any of the languages used in the alliance, but it carried a classical and graceful rhythm that made people first want to listen to it, then immerse themselves in Odin's deep, low voice.

The audience was completely quiet as they looked at Odin and listened to his short speech. They seemed to have been completely suppressed by him.

Tyron's first words were in Elvish.

His native language was Elvish, so he had to first state his intentions in Elvish. This was because in the world of gods, all proposals, promises, and vows would attract the attention of the gods, and the master assassin was a pivotal identity.

Tyron stared fixedly at Victor.

His tenderness was like that of the elves in the forest who watched over their sleeping lover, but his hegemony was like that of a demon appreciating a captive who couldn't escape.

After finishing his first sentence in Elvish, he translated it into the common language of the alliance. He said, "I have lived my whole life without meeting an adversary I couldn't beat, so I have been rebellious for a lifetime, and there were none in the four oceans who caught my eye."

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