Tinghao started leaning towards her....

Tinghao (mischievously): ohh really.... you can beat me....huh?? I don't think so....

Baicao (nervously stepping back): I will...I.... (She stops and make her gaze down) please now don't make me nervous...when you came towards me like this ...I feel different...

Tinghao was still moving close to her ...he held her waist with his both hands....

Tinghao: now look at me...!!

Baicao take her gaze up....

Tinghao (showing her the pendant in his one hand) : this pendant!!! I saw it in a street shop... This heart can divide into two different piece...one will be with you and other one will be with me.... These pieces make this heart complete and (affectionately looking into her eyes) same in our life...both of us,if we are together then our heart will be complete so.... it will always remind us not to go away from one another.... Because we are incomplete without each other....

Baicao was also looking into his eyes so deeply with a calm smile....

Baicao (affectionately): I will surely remember this...and won't go away from you.... (Sweetly) fang tinghao ,I love you...

Tinghao (lovingly) : me too...I love you more than you.....

Baicao (sarcastically): huh!! In your dreams...

Tinghao: hey,I really do....you know it well.... Wait...we are talking about something else... Yes!! You said you can beat me..so I also wanted to get beaten by you.... For you ..I beated how many guys,huh...I don't even remember....

Baicao (smiling): you are really too possessive...you punched brother yao ..you punched brother yi feng and even you kicked me too.... (Then suddenly she realised what she said)

She gets silenced.... Tinghao also recall that memory which makes him feel too guilty... At that moment,he gets back from her...

Baicao (guilty): I m sorry ...I don't wanted to make you feel guilty...I..I don't know how it came on my tongue...(closing her eyes) I...m really sorry....

Tinghao affectionately caressed her head...

Tinghao (calmly): it's okay cutie pie ...I know you don't said it to make me feel guilty...and I m glad that you talk about it because I really wanted to apologise for it ... (solicated) I really didn't thought that someday I will also hurt you physically....(uttering) I....I. ..m really sorry!!! I really just hate that moment...(disgusting)ahh.. how can I do that??

Baicao held his hands firmly....

Baicao (consoling): you really can't hurt me ..it was not intentional...and I think I really deserve (suddenly tinghao put his finger on her lips)

Tinghao: don't you dare to say anything like this....you can't deserve anything like this...you deserve love ,care but not this ..even if you make biggest mistake, you didn't deserve to be (in a quivering voice).... kicked by someone...I really can't remove that guilt....

He was trying his best not to cry,tears were shining in his eyes ...

Baicao slightly put her hands on his cheeks and press her forehead against his.... tinghao grab her neck from behind... baicao rest her hands on his shoulder..

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