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In the restaurant....

Meng xiao: as in the afternoon we have a important meeting...

Wang chen : yes , I came here for that.... Hope you prepared your work diligently.....

Meng xiao: umm....  actually I really want to talk about it... I wanted you to give this chance to me.... I wanted you to choose my project... To deal with me..

Wang chen : a... We will see that in the meeting if I like your project then we will work on it... Or you are trying to threaten me or (slyly) trying to buy me....

Meng xiao (smiling) : you take it right but I m not threatening you... (Requesting) For you it was just a project but it's my whole life hard work... So please...

Wang chen (smiling) : did you really think that I will melt in your emotional talks and make this deal with you.... Mr shui Meng xiao... Business is not a matter of feelings... If you want to buy me then definitely you have decided some big offer so that I will agree with you....

Meng xiao gets happy to hear this as he can guess that Wang chen was having a positive vibe with him.... It's seems that he was ready to support Meng xiao....

Wang chen: I m not fond of money... So don't try to buy me with money...

Meng xiao : yeah, I m not going to offer you money.... I just wanted to be head then we will jointly work here... I will give you my 40% shares of fang enterprise...

Wang chen (slyly) : what!!! Really!!?? In one shot, you are paying me this big....even it's was a great deal... I accept your offer....

Meng xiao : I m already done with the papers because I m sure you can't deny this big deal... (In mind) I thought what I have to offer you so that you can't deny....then this idea came in my mind... It was fabulous idea, once I turned to the head then I will throw away fang tinghao and I will work with wang chen and definitely get profit by this deal....

He put the papers and sign them in front of him.... As Meng xiao wanted to make him Assured so that he will choose him for the deal....

Wang chen stands, and did a handshake with him....

Wang chen: so fast.... Thanks for these papers... I love your deal....

Meng xiao: now you have to choose me for this deal!! I m trusting you, hope you will be on your words..

Wang chen (smiling) : Even I always support the right... You said that it's your hard work of years so... Don't worry ....

Meng xiao (happily) : no need... See you in afternoon...

Meng xiao give him the papers....

Meng xiao don't want to lose to tinghao in any case that's why in a rush he did whatever comes in his mind...  He was having a feeling of doing everything in a hie but still comforting himself that everything will be fine.... He will win...

And here.....

Tinghao was coming suddenly he heard some foot steps, he hide behind the bushes.... It was Baicao and gyangya....

Baicao (worried) : gyangya, can you please talk to xiaoying...??

Tinghao (in mind) : she is worried for her but still didn't taking a step to accept her mistake....

Gyangya: not at all.... I m also mad at her... She is your best friend but the time you need her she didn't supported you....

Baicao feels a type of guilt as she was remembering the moment when yi feng split rubbish about xiaoying and she doesn't support her..

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