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He touch his neck and remember the kiss which baicao did...

Tinghao (smiling) : last night, I really get too nervous and you!! You are behaving arrogant like me... You get too jealous... Woah!! I wish you again get drunked... Hey, it will affect her health, don't say like this....

He looks at baicao.. She was sitting alone and idle in a corner...

Tinghao (solicated) : aww!! My sweetie... I feel too bad but right now you are taking every decision by your mind... Now I have to make you more jealous by which you speak out your heart again in a proper state not in drunked state.... sorry cutie pie!!! But this is the only way I can stop your mind from getting heavy on your heart... So sorry....

Baicao: what is going onto my mind?? These things is chewing me day by day... I myself don't know what to do!! What did I want... Did I have to go to him!!?? Hey wait!! You hate him baicao.... Yes... (Thinking) Last night I don't know what I did but he said that I put my heart out so did I remove my anger on him?? !! I don't even know I m angry on him or not!!

Yi feng noticed that baicao is lost somewhere...

Everyone was busy in the pool... Yi feng come to baicao...

Yi feng: hey, silly where are you lost??

Baicao: brother..!! 

Yi feng: come on, don't hide it from me... You can't hide things from anyone.. And now I have a right to ask so split it out...

Baicao (in mind) : did I have to tell him or not?? No!! No!!

Yi feng: you have to tell me.. Come on baicao... Say I won't discuss it to anyone.. You can share things... I also know it is about senior tinghao, right??

Baicao (solicated) ; no brother.. Actually....

Yi feng: it's seems you don't see me as your family... (He hold his hands) baicao before knowing about our relationship there was always a bond between us which is friendship so you can share to your friend... Or maybe you didn't see me as anything in your life...

Baicao (startled) : no!!... You are... Always  my family and I m lucky to have you as my brother...

Yi feng: I m your real family also your friend first so you have to tell me.. What happened?? What's troubling you?? The day you came, I haven't seen the brightful baicao in you... Did something happen??

Baicao (Sadly):  no.. !!! actually yes.. But promise me that you won't say this to anyone else also won't get angry after listening this... You will understand me... Don't get hyper...

Yi feng: that's like a good girl.. Tell me... I won't tell it to anyone else.. This will be our secret..

Baicao: okay then listen....

She tells him everything about that night,
Her eyes gets wet while saying this.. She herself wasn't able to understand what is going on so she tells him everything because of confusion........ Yi feng gets too shocked and angry after listening this... He didn't expect this from tinghao...

Yi feng (impatiently) : what?? How dare he?? Baicao, are you a toy for him to play?? Why you don't tell this to anyone..?? You have been hurting yourself by keeping this much burden inside!!

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