18 | It's Scorched

Start from the beginning

"That's a long way off," Newt sighed.

"We better get moving," Minho sighed.

They looked at the mountains as Y/N took the first step forward, then Winston, who fell forward, "Winston!" They all knelt beside him.

"He's hurt petty bad," Minho said.

"What do we do?" Teresa asked.

Y/N peeled back the fabric around his abdomen; she saw the claw and bite marks the Cranks left and how he wasn't immune. "Shit," she huffed, standing and looking around, "I have an idea," she nodded and told everyone what to do.

They made a little raft thing Minho and Frypan could pull as Winston laid on it.

As they walked under the bridge and kept going, Thomas went back to help carry the raft. They walked, and then the sand picked up, making them walk through a storm. "We have to find shelter," Y/N called as she helped Newt walk, his leg starting to get sore.

A few hours of walking led them to get out of the sand storm and find a little hole with some rocks around it and hanging over. Everyone sat down as Winston laid down and breathed heavily.

Y/N couldn't watch him, so she threw off her coat and pack, walked over to a dune, sitting on top of it, facing the mountains.

"It's like they're getting farther away," Minho chuckled and sat beside Y/N.

"We just have to keep moving; we can make it," she smiled over at him.

"I know we can; we've made it this far."

"I remember when I first saw you, and you took me down, then failed."

"Hey, I got you and got to sleep with you every night," Minho wore a shuck-eating grin.

"Yea, it wasn't anything personal; I mean, your okay," the girl shrugged.

"If I were just okay," Minho teased, "you wouldn't have come to my shower," he winked.

"Oh- shut up, I came to make sure you didn't drown."

"Well, either way, I still got my mouth to mouth for the day," Minho moved closer. "But I could always use more," he moved in as Y/N looked up at him, leaning in.

"How's it looking?" Newt called, interrupting the moment, making all the guys try not to laugh.

"It's a little farther," Y/N yelled, voice cracking when she pushed Minho back as he rolled down the dune.

"Well, that's not very convincing," Newt laughed.

Later on, Y/N stood beside Teresa as she tried to teach her some combat moves, "good, you just have to close your fist like this, or you break your thump." Y/N smiled, but it was soon gone when she noticed Teresa's mood, "what's wrong."

Teresa saw all the guys looking, but they couldn't hear anything, Y/N grabbed her hand, and they stood off on another dune. "They did something to me," she sighed and showed the back of her neck. "It felt like I was waking up from a dream or something."

"Your memories?"

"Yes, I only told Thomas since most of them were with him." She nodded, "but I remember why we were there, we thought we could fix all of this. I think we should go back."

Y/N looked at Teresa quickly, shocked at her words, "what?"

"Just listen to me-"

"No, we can't. Did you not listen to me when I said what they were going to do to us?"

"You don't understand."

"What don't I understand?"

"Everything was fine until you..."

"What?" Y/N crossed her arms, "saving us, making sure we live another day?"


"Teresa, what the hell aren't you telling me?" Y/N pointed at her, but they both looked back at the group when they heard a gunshot and Frypan yell. They ran to their friends, "what happened?"

"He just woke up and grabbed the gun," Frypan panicked.

"Give it back, please," Winston begged.

"Winston, you okay?" Y/N asked as she knelt beside him when he puked up blood.

"It's growing inside me," he panted and laid back ok the sand, lifting his shirt. Y/N knelt beside him, looking at the wounds as the others stood behind her. She sighed, sitting beside him on the sand, holding his hand and moving his hair back, "Im not going to make it. Please, don't let me turn into one of those things."

Y/N looked at Newt; he nodded, taking the gun from Frypan and handing it to her.

"Wait, Y/N," Thomas trailed off as Y/N smiled down at Winston, handing him the gun and moving his hair back.

"Thank you," he sighed, "now, get outta here."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay," Winston patted her hands. "Y/N, take care of them."

"I will, I promise. Goodbye, Winston," Y/N smiled and got up, leaving first as her friends said goodbye and followed.

They all walked down the dunes and rose when they heard the gunshot.

Y/N held her head low as she walked through the Scorch. After hours of walking, they decided to set up camp for the night in the middle of the flats of the Scorch, when they couldn't see anything. Y/N made a fire, and Aris threw more wood into it, then sat down between Newt and Fry.

Minho played with a knife, "I thought we were supposed to be immune."

"Not all of us," Y/N shook her head.

"If Winston can get infected, we should assume so can the rest of us. Like Y/N said in the mall," Newt pointed out.

"I'd never thought I'd say it, but I miss the Glade," Frypan sighed.

Y/N just laid down facing the darkness so that no one could see the pain on her face. She acted so tough, but she needed a break, she was close to breaking down and killing everyone that took away her friends and family, but she knew. She had to keep it together and get her friends to safety.

She closed her eyes tightly and wrapped her arms around herself, trying to remember families' faces, but all she could see was her father's and mother's faces. She could picture little Brenda and George, but she couldn't remember Jorge or any of the right arm. She thought back to seeing her uncle again, which she knew now; he was undercover for the right arm; he always was. He was also a spy.

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