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Kellin unlocked the door and looked back at Victor that was still there, waved, then put his bag on the couch and took the phone to message Justin.

Kellin: Bro, I'm home, you want to come over?

He blocked the phone, putting it to the side and sighed waiting for him to answer.

Victor leaned back on his seat and gazed around, Nick was coming out from his house and walking to the car. The tanned man lowered the window.

"Hello sir."

"Ahg, don't call me sir. Vic is ok."

"Okay, Vic... Are you waiting for Kellin?"

"Not really, I'm making sure nothing happens in these minutes and I'll go."

"I see. I can give you my number! And let you know whenever I hear something weird or see someone suspicious."


Justin: Sure! I just can't go right now, but I'll be there in an hour or less <3

Kellin: Good, I'll be waiting :)

The haven haired boy went upstairs with his bag, left it by the bed and laid down, placing the phone on the nightstand and falling asleep, all that running got him tired.


Victor gave his number to Nick and they talked a little more about the gun thing, the tanned man knew everything that happened while he was dying on the grass, being supported by Nick's grandma.

"Okay, nothing more. Thank you again, see you, Nick."

"See you Mr. Victor."

"Just Vic." Said giggling and starting driving home.


After a while, Kellin started having a nightmare.

Victor was crying and he didn't know why, nor had the chance to ask, suddenly Mike showed up, grabbing his wrists and pulling him away from the tanned man, then started screaming at him.

"WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU PROJECT OF COLSON!?" They entered a small room.

"Nothing." Kellin said, crying and hyperventilating.

"YOU BETTER TELL ME, OTHERWISE..." Mike took the gun from behind him.

"I swear- I did nothing." The threatened boy went to the corner of the small room, curled.

Meanwhile, down the front door was Justin, he took his phone to call Kellin, but decided to try and open the door, and it wasn't locked, so he went in the house like he always did, Justin took no time to go upstairs and knocked the door, just in case Kellin was naked or something.

Back in Kellin's dream, Mike pointed the gun and shot.

"MIKE, NO!" Kellin screamed.

Justin could hear the scream, and got in the room, seeing his best friend curled and crying while sleeping.

"I did nothing, please..." Kellin mumbled.

Justin went to quickly wake Kellin up, by shaking him and saying, "Kellin, it's Justin, wake up."

He did wake up feeling the grip on himself, took no time to try and hit Justin.

"It's Justin, Kellin! Stop!" He said before being hit on the cheek, then got away from the haven haired guy.

"Justin? I'm- Sorry..." Kellin covered his mouth looking at him.

"Don't worry, what was this about?" Justin asked, getting near Kellin.

Lovely Mornings (Kellic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ