Last chapter was just foreshadowing

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There was a stranger surrounding Kellin's house, he found an open window, then silently got in. Kellin had fallen asleep on the couch, so it made everything easier. Just to not get Kellin awake, the stranger made him inhale chloroform before taking him and putting on his back, leaving the house, using the front door. There were no neighbors, so he just threw Kellin into the car and started driving away.

Tony was about to arrive, he wanted to talk with Kellin first about a few important topics, he saw an open car almost in the middle of the street and a guy throwing... Kellin? on it. Tony drove faster, watching the number of the car, the man apparently noticed. "HEY STOP!" Screamed Vic's friend, trying to follow, the car vanished fast and he didn't want to crash. "FUCK." He drove back to the house, already calling the police and basically jumping off of the car, running upstairs. "VICTOR VINCENT FUENTES, COME HERE RIGHT FUCKING NOW, VICTOR!" He stumbled, opening the bedroom's door and Victor was already standing there, alarmed. "I just saw someone called Kellin Quinn being kidnapped, the number of the car is..." He is talking to the phone, rushing words.

And Vic's world falls apart in that second, he runs out of the bedroom and rushes, falling on the last stairs and getting up desperately. Running out. "KELLIN!" He choked, he couldn't breath. His legs fail and he falls on his knees with his hands on his chest and throat.

I can't breathe.


Kellin was still pretty unconscious. When the man ran away from the car chasing him, he took his phone.

"Done, what now?"

"Take him to the abandoned house near the hospital, he will know what it means."

"Gerard, I have to warn you that someone tried to follow the car-"

"What?" He screamed.

"I got away, no need to worry."

"You fucker, take that little bitch there quickly." Hang up the call.

"Fuck it."


Tony gets out of the house after looking for Vic's phone and the keys, then runs to Vic who is on the floor, outside, kneeling on the grass and curling himself. He sounds like he is dying. "Victor. Vic." He tried to touch him, but Vic tried to scream and choked worse. "Fuck. Victor! Listen to me!"

A neighbor is walking over them, is an old woman with a guy behind her, maybe 21 years old. "What happens?" Asks her concerned.

Victor feels something wet sliding to his lips and touches it, seeing blood. His nose started bleeding.

"I- Someone kidnaped Kellin, and I called the police, because I saw the number, but holy fuck. Victor, listen to me!" Tony is kneeling, trying to make him react. "Vic you're gonna pass out and we won't be able to take Kellin back!" The guy runs to the house and the woman is in shock, trying to figure out how to help.


The man stops by the abandoned house and takes Kellin, who is still unconscious, going into the house.

"Fuck! I really have to go upstairs holding this bag of shit?" He went upstairs just like Gerard wanted him to do, tied Kellin on a chair and put handcuffs just to be sure he wasn't able to get away, then left the room, leaving Kellin alone.


The woman kneels beside Victor instead of Tony, who was called by the guy inside the house.

"My grandfather used to have this... And he always said we should use it when we needed, is a few of the reminders we have of him. But I think this is one of the situations he would use it for." Says him, handing a gun to Tony with some bullets. "We only have those..."

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