Kellin's house

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"We're finally at peace... And I'll move, probably when Mike comes to visit in two days." Vic comments, tightening the grip on the bag, he feels like his life is finally going well from now.

"Good, you want the money now?" Kellin starts going upstairs --slow, but going-- to leave the bag in the bedroom.

Vic doesn't go and leaves the bag on the couch before really heading upstairs, watching for his things. "I'm gonna pack my things, I gotta go to my house and start organizing everything..."

There is a knock in the front door.

"I'll check who is knocking, but I can go with you to help pack your things, if you want, of course." Kellin left the room to go open the door.

An old woman --Kellin's neighbor-- was standing there, and Nick was by her side with something on his back.

"Kellin! For god's sake..." She exclaims, stepping forward to hug him.

He was surprised by the way she suddenly hugged him. "Hi... Everyone already knows?"

"Only us..." She strokes his back.

Victor is going to the door too and recognizes the woman. "Grandma." Says as a kind nickname.

She stops hugging Kellin and looks at him. "You did it?"

"Not yet..." Bites his lip. "I will."

"Did what?" Kellin didn't have a clue on what they were talking about.

"You'll see." Says her, already getting away. Nick stays there looking nervous, but happy. "I'm glad you're back." Stumbled.

"Ok?" Kellin chuckles, looking at the woman, then turns to Nick. "If it wasn't for him, I don't know what would have happened." Looks at Victor with a grateful expression.

Vic looks at the ground before looking up at Nick again.

"This is for you. And tell Tony we don't care about the gun." He leaves a bouquet on Kellin's hands and basically runs away to his house. "Glad you both are ok!" Blurts.

"Thank you for caring!" Kellin says before closing the door and chuckles, looking at the pretty bouquet, then looks at Victor "What happened that day? The gun wasn't Tony's?"

"Uh... I don't know about that, but Tony has legal permission to have guns. He has a weird past, actually." He looks at the bouquet and smiles.

Kellin hums. "Weird how?" Then goes to the kitchen to put the bouquet into a jar with water to make it live more.

"He was in a gang or something like that. Just to help a friend of his, but said friend passed away." Explains sitting on a stool.

"Wow, he is a pretty tough guy and my condolences." He puts the jar by the window and goes towards Victor.

"He is really strong, I was in shock, but thinking about it I can't believe he held a gun again."

"Again? Why? He has trauma with guns or something?" Kellin leans on the counter, facing Victor.

"No, until I know." Vic smiles a little. "But I try to think what would I do in the situation, and maybe it was weird for him holding a gun again; and also shooting someone."

"Yes... I have to thank him the next time I see Tony."

"I have to call him, my phone is dead, I better charge it and..." Vic hops off of the stool. "I can order food."

"Here, you can use mine." Takes the phone from his pocket and puts it on the counter for Victor to use, then goes to drink some water.

"Thank you." He marks Tony's number and waits a little, he doesn't want to interrupt the job, but he has to tell him.

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