The picture

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It was four in the morning, and Vic woke up for no reason, took a minute to realize and then started taking off his clothes, shifting under the actual blankets and sliding close to Kellin. Hugging him from the back to sleep in a 'spoon' position.

Kellin was dreaming, Vic was there, they had a lovely day, and when the night came, they were at a nice picnic with candles, and all that stuff. They were eating strawberries when Victor leaned for a kiss.

"Vic..." Kellin whispered, touching foreheads.


"I lo-"

And suddenly Kellin woke up, he did remember the dream, making him go red and his heart race, but still not moving, he didn't want to wake up Victor. Also that position felt lovely and safe.

Vic heard him mumbling something and jolting softly, he moved his hand, caressing his arm and then resting again with the hug. "Are you awake?" Whispered way too sweet. "Everything ok?"

Kellin heard Victor's whispers and bit his lip. "I am, did I wake you? I'm sorry..." He whispered softly.

"No, I was awake." Sighed slowly and left a kiss on the edge of Kellin's ear before closing his eyes again. "Go back to sleep, I'm not gonna wake you again."

"You didn't, goodnight." He caressed Vic's hand.


Later, when the sunlight was already hitting the window, Vic opened his eyes lazily and felt uncomfortable between the legs.

Oh, come on.

He groaned, letting go of Kellin, turned, giving him the back and waiting for his little problem to end. Sometimes having a dick was quite annoying, he hoped the raven haired man didn't feel it.

Kellin shifted a little, feeling the lack of warmth that was when Victor let go of him, then opened his eyes, yawning. He looked at Vic's direction.

He is still sleeping.

The Raven haired guy was thirsty, so he tried his best to get out of the room without waking Victor up.

Vic opened his eyes again, watching Kellin go, turned, gazing at the ceiling and yawned. "Damn." Cursed. "I feel like a fighter, but people don't pay me for it."


Kellin filled a cup with cold water and went to his garden, sitting on the grass with crossed legs. The sun was hot, but not much. He took a sip of his water and looked to where Victor and him were last night, smiling fondly at the thought, then remembered the dream again.

Damn, my brain doesn't let me finish the dream, I would like to see Victor's reaction, even though it was me faking it.

He chuckled.

I don't mean those three words like... Way too much time, I can't even remember.

The raven haired guy put the cup to the side and laid down happily, with a smile on his face.


When Vic sees Kells is not coming back, heads to the bathroom, taking his time and goes out, putting on the clothes. Outside the bedroom, looks at the stairs and doesn't want to bother.

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy." Says to himself while sitting on the first stair and going down that way until he is in the end, standing up and seeing the back door open. He headed that way and saw Kellin, leaned against the wall with arms crossed. "Good morning."

Kellin looks at Victor, still smiling and says, "Good morning, my sunshine... Did you sleep well?" He sat and patted the spot by his side, wanting Victor to sit there.

Lovely Mornings (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now