Kellin's past

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The morning came, Victor had no nightmares, the sun was already hitting his back. He had a hard headache but felt better than yesterday, he could hear his phone ringing. "Kellin..." Whispered. "Can you give me my phone?" Touched his shoulder, trying to wake him up.

Kellin woke up, opened his eyes just a little because of how sunny it was there and reached out to pick up Vic's phone, then handed it to him, he couldn't even read who it was.

"Hello? ... Yes, that's me. Okay." Vic sat slowly and rested his back on the headboard. "Yes." Another pause. "So I can do it from my phone? That would be nice..." He glanced at Kellin and then rubbed his eyes a little. "Uh... I don't know if that will be possible... Isn't it enough what they saw?" Victor huffed hard. "Kellin Quinn. Yes. Fine. I'll wait for it." He hung up and landed the phone on the nightstand, turning off the light. "It was the commissary, they need us to do the report. We can do it with the phone or laptop, but we need a medical certification to add the wounds. And you could add what happened to you with him, that surely will have him in jail for a long time."

So that was his name.

"Good morning... By the way." Victor said after all that.

Kellin had already gotten used to the brightness when Victor started to explain who it was. "Good morning... What about all the things that the police men saw yesterday? Isn't it enough?" Kellin looks at Victor frowning.

"No, we need the certification. I asked the same." Victor shrugged his shoulders.

I can't do that...

Kellin opened his eyes wide at that statement. He can barely see his name. "How can I do it? E-mail? Or something?"

"Yes, we can use my laptop. While you do your part I'm gonna call my manager, we can do it after breakfast..." Vic rests a hand on Kellin's one. "Are you okay?"

"Not really." Kellin said, interlinking their fingers. "But I'll be."

"I understand... But... If you read that name just a few more times, after the report, you will be finally free of it."

"You're right... Where is the laptop? The more I delay it, the worse..." Kellin said, looking at Victor with a pained expression.

Victor snapped his fingers. "Hey! I can read it for you, if there is his name I cover it with my hand while you write."

"You don't need to." Kellin said, smiling genuinely while imagining Victor doing so. "I'll be fine..." He sighed softly.

The tanned one shook his head, smiled and got out of the bed and bedroom, there was the sound of the stairs, the coffee machine and again steps. Victor crawled on the bed leaving the laptop on Kellin's lap and rested his head, carefully, on his chest.

"Thank you" He whispered and stroked Victor's hair for a bit, after opening the laptop to start writing.

Goddamn! It will be painful...

The long haired man ignored what Kellin was writing, he waited for the machine to stop, the smell of coffee already breaking in the room. He got away from the other and went to look for the coffee. "I told myself, I'm tired of holding up your backup plans. Go down your list and be... Satisfied-"

Victor took a minute to come back with a tray and let it on the bed, then opened the window. It was the only one without security, he made sure of taking it off when Colson was taken away.

Kellin wrote that letter the faster he could. Tears falling down his cheek, for remembering how everything felt back then.

--Gerard way report--

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