More trouble with ex's

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Kellin took a cold shower, then got dressed and managed to get out of the bathroom, silently took his laptop in the bedroom and headed to the living room to check his email. He is a writer and works for a company, writing some articles. There was some new emails from that company and one from an account he never saw before, it says:

I'm coming for you, you better hide and take your boyfriend with you, or else... You shouldn't have raised your middle finger.

How in the hell he discovered my email?

He closed the email without taking a screenshot of it, then rushed to close the windows.

Fuck, not again.

Kellin chose not to awake Victor, but he had to close the bedroom window.

Victor didn't move, he was deep in his dream. Resting.

Colson called on Victor's phone.

If that small motherfucker is there he will try to answer, Vic surely can't even hear my name... Poor bastard. Colson thought.

Kellin heard Victor's phone ringing down stairs, so he rushed to pick it up and not let Victor wake up. When he was running down the stairs, he tripped over his feet by the last three steps, falling, but didn't hurt. He grabbed the phone and put it on his ear, but didn't say a thing.

Colson played with a coin with one hand. "Hello, Kellin, right?" He smiled. "Is the little chicken sleeping? Or is he by your side crying? You didn't have to close the windows. I know that house. And I know it better than I know Victor."

Kellin was wordless for a moment, but proceeded to speak, "What do you want? Leave him alone." He was trying to hide his shaking voice, the fear was beginning to take over.

"I think he forgot how unhappy he is without me, and maybe I want to give a reminder." Colson can hear Kellin's breath. "And burning my face isn't for free..."

"You forgot how unhappy he was with you." Kellin replied and added, "You asked to have your face burnt."

"I asked? I can tell he told you his part of the story, but he didn't tell you what he did. Did he?"

"I bet what he did wasn't a tenth of what you did to him."

"That's what I'm talking about... He didn't tell you what he did in the relationship." Said with a bitter tone.

Kellin was curious to hear what he had to say, even though he thought he shouldn't, but hummed and waited.

"Oh, you expect me to say it? You trust him that low? Is better that way, you will realize how shitty he is."

"Go eat shit!" Kellin said harshly and rang up the call.

Better that way, every bad thing he would say about Victor would be a lie anyway... It would, right?

Kellin stood still and with Vic's phone in hand, pondering what he would do when Victor wakes up.

The phone started ringing again.

Colson, now leaning against his seat, looking through the window.

Kellin muted the phone, so Vic wouldn't wake up to the noise, thought if he should pick it up for some seconds, then hesitantly picked up and asked, "What now?"

"Would you open the door for me? I have keys if you don't." Grinned, looking from the distance.

Kellin hung up the call and rushed to put a chair onto the door, then got upstairs, he had no choice, but to wake Victor up, he didn't know where the keys were. He tried not to seem terrified when waking Vic. He patted Victor's arm and said, "It's Kellin, wake up, please." He wasn't doing a great job hiding his emotions, already holding back tears.

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