Chapter 75: The Return of Danny Phantom

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

We continued to fly through the Ghost Zone, not knowing where to head next until the Specter Speeder got blasted off course. The vehicle lost control and we found ourselves trying to hold on to one another as the vehicle tumbled backwards. All five of us screamed and the Specter Speeder landed in a glowing blue cube. "What's going on?" Jazz asked. 

"Foolish of you to come here in your human form, Ghost Child." Skulker said, and we looked up to him floating down to us. "Seeking refuge in the Ghost Zone like all the others?"

"What others?" Danny asked.

Skulker waved his hand out to the side and looked behind his shoulder. "All these ghosts!" he repeated and a swarm of ghosts were behind him. "They returned here because you humans put your world in danger! Now the Ghost Zone is bursting at the seems!"

"But it's the flip side of our world." Tucker said. 

"Yeah, if the Earth gets destroyed, the Ghost Zone goes too!" I said. 

Skulker wasn't having it, it seems. He pressed a button on his belt and suddenly, my body felt tingly. The glowing cube shocked us whole and we were all screaming out in pain. Danny managed to press a button on the control panel to release an antenna, disrupting the cube's power.

Sam pressed the pedal and drove right through the ghosts to avoid them. "You guys get into the escape pod!" Danny ordered. Sam stood up, and suddenly we slowed down as she followed Jazz and Tucker to the back. I quickly slipped into the driver's seat and kept going. "You too, (Y/n)!" Danny said after he noticed I wasn't going with them. 

I didn't look back at him. Instead, I continued to fly us through the Ghost Zone.

"(Y/n)." He pressed, starting to sound ticked off. "You need to get out of here-"

"I'm not running." I glared at him. "I'm not running without you."

He was taken aback and he reached for my hand. "(Y/n), your parents need you. They need you home. Please, I want you to be safe."

"I don't want anything to happen to Dani. She's our baby girl." I determinedly said. " I definitely don't want anything to happen to you, and I quote again, I'm staying with you."

Danny held up his hands in defense. "Alright, you've got me there. Let's do this together, then." I nodded, and turned back to the Ghost Zone to guide us out of there, but then Danny said, "I'll go with you." 

We stood up and we ran to the escape pod together. I saw Jazz, Sam, and Tucker already sitting in their seats waiting. I looked at Danny who wasn't running beside me. Instead, I turned around and found myself pushed inside the escape pod. "Danny!" I shouted, betrayed.

I fell backwards inside the pod. Jazz and Sam started to help me up, but I was already running over to Danny. He pressed the button off to the side and closed the door on me. I could see Danny's determined look on his face as he locked eyes with me through the small window. I felt hurt and worried, and then we were gone.

"Activating cloaking!" Tucker said, pressing a blue button. 


*Danny's POV*

I didn't want to do it, but I had to. I had to let (Y/n) go, for now. I knew she was already fighting my sister and my friends to try and leave the pod, but I also knew that everyone was holding (Y/n) back. For my sake. 

(Y/n), I love-.

I grunted in pain, when the Specter Speeder hit the giant red monster that Dad and I first caught when we were fishing in Lake Eerie. It roared at me, and I gasped, looking over to see Skulker and a bunch of ghosts flying towards me. "It's not enough to destroy your own world, now you have to destroy ours, too?!"

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