Chapter 28: Vlad for Mayor

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

The following day at school, I met up with Sam and Tucker at lunch. "Hey, you guys." I smiled at them, with a plate of lunch in my hands. "Where's Danny? Still stashed away in the locker room as usual?"

"You know your boyfriend, Mr. Modesty!" Tucker smiled, with his half-eaten sandwich. 

"Yeah, (Y/n), nice try, but you know him. When he cleans, he cleans alone." Sam said, and I blushed. 

"That's not what I was even thinking." I defended myself, and she smirked.

"Suit yourself."

Then, everyone from the cafeteria pushed past me and was laughing. A whole crowd joined up together, and we all exchanged odd looks. I placed my plate down on the table and we squeezed through the crowd to see what was going on, then gasped.

We were watching Danny wash his hair in the shower room. "Huh?" Danny mumbled under his breath, wondering why he was hearing people laugh. He slightly turned, and gritted his teeth. "Oh no..." He turned completely and saw me, Sam, and Tucker staring in shock. Danny then quickly covered himself. 

"A ghost kid with tan lines." Tucker commented, and shrugged at us. "Who knew!"

Later after school, the four of us met at the Nasty Burger. People continued to laugh at Danny as we headed to our seats. "So..." I said, to make conversation. "How about that mayor election?"

Danny slouched in the seat with his hand in mine under the table. "Forget changing the subjects, (Y/n)." He said, "I'm never going to live this down!"

"Never is a long time, Danny..." I said sadly. A nerdy kid emerged from behind Tucker and Sam who pointed at Danny and laughed. Then, he slinked away. 

"But the next few weeks will be brutal." Tucker said, and I glared at him.

Danny started to take in his burger until Agent K came by my side and took it from him. "Everybody out!" He shouted, and I leaned towards Danny. "This is an evacuation."

Danny and I turned to look at the doorway. "This place is being demolished by orders of the new owner." Agent O said, and smaller agents poured inside. "

"New owner?" Danny asked, as we walked over. 

We saw Vlad walking up behind the two agents, he was smiling at us. "That's right, Daniel." He said, and I gasped. "You know, these walls are infested in ecto-bestos. As the new proprietor, it is my duty to tear this place down." He leaned down to me and Danny. "With your own extensive background in demolition, I'm sure you both understand, yes?"

Once we were all out, we saw a tractor roll over. Everyone was standing quietly. The tractor had a giant, pummeling cylinder overhead. "" Agent O said in the walkie-talkie. "Demolish!"

In one hit, the Nasty Burger was gone and crumbled to the ground. "How could they?!" Dash asked as we all gasped. "I get some of my best nerd wailing in the men's room there!"

Tucker picked up a discarded soda cap that had the Nasty Burger logo on it. "Farewell, old friend." He cried dramatically, and I placed my hand over his shoulder. "We hardly knew ye'..."

"Let this be a lesson, Danny." I heard Vlad say as he leaned in between our shoulders. "I put the 'pro' in Quid-pro-quo. Not that you're bright enough to know what that means."

Danny angrily turned to him, and said, "I get the idea, and I don't like it. Believe me, this isn't over yet." He entwined my hand in his, and stomped off. 

"Oh good, I'll take that as a challenge." Vlad said, as I walked past him with Sam and Tucker following behind me.


At my home, my parents and I were sitting in the living room, watching the election. "Our Election Day coverage continues!" a news reporter said. 

"Hey, mom, is it okay if I-?" I started to ask and they interrupted me.

"Ah ah ah...Not now, (Y/n)!" Dad said. "It's election day and I've got my voting shoes on!" Literally. He lifted his ankle up and I saw the red, white, and blue decoration. "The Fenton's are going to join us to cast our votes together for the next mayor of Amity Park!"

"Wow, you guys are really loving this place." I said with a smile.

"Of course, dear." Mom said. "Moving here was the best decision we've ever made, and we made friends that'll last us a lifetime!"

Before I continued what I wanted to say, Dad hurried past me, with a box full of Vlad's name on hats, flags, and other propaganda. I gasped. "Vlad Masters for mayor?!" I asked, after dad bundled me up with a few of the items.

Mom sighed, "Yeah, last minute, write-in candidate, but he doesn't care about other people!"

"And that's why he'll make a great politician!" Dad said, with a huge smile.

"If elected, I hope to breathe new life into this town!" Vlad said on air, and the crowd cheered wildly.

I started taking off the props and set them aside. "That's our new mayor!" Dad said. "Breathing life, and taking names! While Mr. Fenton is his number one supporter, I'll be his second!"

"I gotta go, I love you both!" I said, running out as fast as I could to tell Danny what I just witnessed.

In the end, Danny was actually on his way to find me, and wanted to tell me what had happened. Apparently, both stories were similar. He changed into his ghost form a little far away from my home and picked me up. I yelped as my feet got swept off the ground and he ascended to the sky. 

"They say you can't fight City Hall, but they never said you couldn't fight in it!" Danny said, determinedly. "Let's go!"

We hid underneath City Hall and waited for the news reporter lady to walk away from Vlad, and before Vlad could walk away, Danny and I grabbed at his ankle, and dragged him down below. Danny threw him to the basement floor where Vlad crashed through pipelines. "Why Daniel, (Y/n)..." Vlad grinned evilly up at us. I was standing beside Danny who had his arm around my waist. "Come to wish your old uncle Vlad good luck, have you?"

"Save it, Plasmius." Danny said. "Whatever you're up to, it ends now!"

"Oh, I assure you my boy, it is only just beginning." Vlad said, changing to his ghost half.

He launched himself at us, and Danny held me with both arms to keep me secured, and he lurched backwards. Before Vlad could punch at Danny, Danny kicked him right in the stomach, and Vlad crashed through the floors and the roof. 

"Wow, Danny," I said. "Looks like your Uncle Vlad's a little rusty." 

"Yeah, which is all the invitation I need!" Danny grinned at me. "Alright, (Y/n), I'm gonna need you to take cover, okay? I'll see you later." I nodded at him, and before he took us out of the basement, he set me down on the ground gently. I watched him fly away to Vlad where he was waiting. 

"Boohoo!" I heard Danny taunt, and I smiled. "It's that it? You forgot to take your supplements! Have a dose of vitamin ME!"


*Danny's POV*

"Have a dose of vitamin ME!" I yelled, as I launched myself at him. Vlad ended up shooting out discs of ecto-energy at me and I dodged. I flew over to him and punched him right in the face twice before kicking him to the roof below us. I laughed as Vlad crashed. "You lost your edge! Why don't you go back to Wisconsin and look for it? In other words: GET OUT OF MY TOWN!"

Vlad stood up straight and smiled at me. "Fool, Do you really think I'm this weak? I'm more powerful that you'll ever know and even now my power increases! Look!" 

I looked over to the crowd of people standing in line to vote. That's when I noticed. A swarm of dark Plasmius floated before the crowd, and they flew towards individuals, overshadowing them. 

"Oh man!" I said in shock, "He's overshadowing the voters!"

I watched as all these people were checking Vlad's name on their ballots. They were all being controlled, and I saw my dad running forward. "Out of my way, I'm voting for Vlad!" He shouted, and ended up also getting overshadowed "Uh I mean...out of my way, I'm voting for Vlad!" 

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