Chapter 54: Boxed Up Fury

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

"Ready for more Greek mythology to be burned into your brain, (Y/n)?" Sam asked me. I was sitting in her bed and she was holding up a book about all the Greek gods and I never thought I had to learn about this all in one night. If it helps with my upcoming history test, then so be it. 

"Are we seriously about to pull an all-nighter, Sam?" I asked as I glanced at the clock. It was about 3am. "How long have we been going on about this?"

"Hmm..." she tapped on her chin. "Since 11pm. Hey, you're the one who asked me to help you for your exam." 

"Yeah, but because my worst subject is History, doesn't mean that it's going to stay in my brain the entire morning before the test." Then I placed both hands over my face in shock. "Oh gosh, what if I forget everything?!" 

She smiled at me, but that didn't really help my case. "You'll do fine. Alright, (Y/n)...Let's go! Pop quiz: question one." I groaned, dropping my pencil as she read out loud the first question to me.


In the end, I passed my History test on mythology, and after school, we met up with Danny and Tucker to walk through Amity Park. "I told you were going to pass." Sam said, and I held up the A+ papers with excitement. "And you were freaking out the entire night."

Danny chuckled and I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "Yeah, (Y/n) tends to second guess herself at the last minute."

"That is so not-" I tried to defend myself and then he held up a finger.

"-true." He grinned. "Come on, (Y/n), should we go back in time to think about all the times you've second guessed yourself?"

I blinked, and we all reminisced together. Danny brought up the first time I convinced him to go inside the Ghost Portal. Then, he brought up the time I tried to use the Fenton Thermos and questioned myself whether or not I should use it in mid-ghost battle with Skulker, and almost pulled a Jazz. That was embarrassing. 

"Okay, okay." I said, before he could continue. "I get it, I second guess myself all the time, but I'm going to do my best to trust my instincts this time. No second guessing."

"This is nuts." Sam suddenly spoke up, and we turned to her.

"What's wrong, Sam?" I asked, placing my papers in my backpack. 

"We've been capturing and recapturing the Box Ghost all day long." She said, throwing her arms up in the air.

"Yeah, what's up with these boxes he's been using?" Tucker pulled up a photo of the Box Ghost and the mailbox on the street. "I mean the Mailbox of Misfortune?"

I laughed, "All Danny got was a papercut from that."

"Oooh." Danny shrugged. "So menacing." He curled his hands up to pretend to be spooky. 

"And the ring from the Jewelry from Despair?" Sam asked, holding her hand up. "Didn't really do anything but turn mine and (Y/n)'s finger green." I held up my linked hand with Danny and we looked at my ring finger that was covered in green substance.

"How's that scary?" I agreed.

"Cubic zirconium is pretty terrifying." Tucker pointed out.

"Well, he's attacked seven times," Danny said, "And we've sent him back seven times. I think he's finally gotten the message."

Then, we saw Danny's ghost sense appear a second later and saw a huge shadow looming over us. "Maybe you need to write it down..." I said, leaning towards him. We saw the Box Ghost lifting up a small purple box with a skull over it as he snarled meanly at us. 

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