Chapter 40: Controlling Your Emotions

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*Danny's POV*

Dad and I were boarding up the windows together and I continued to bang my hammer against the nail until I missed and hit my thumb. "Ow!" I shouted, gripping my bruised thumb. My hand started to tingle with pins and needles.

"Nothing like a little spring rain to freshen things up around here, eh, Danny?" Dad asked.

"Spring rain?" I asked, whirling around to face him. "Those are 85 mile an hour winds. Dad, how can you blindly ignore the fact that all of this destruction was probably caused by your old college pal?"

Dad walked over to me and smiled with his hands over his hips. "Danny don't get so emotional. Vladdie would never do something like that." He said.

"How do you know?"

"B-because he's...Vlad." Suddenly, I felt someone grab my ankles and I didn't say a word. I let dad do his own cheer as he closed his eyes for a moment and said, "Give me a V!" Then, I was dragged to the basement below. "Someone's going to give me a V or there's going to be trouble..."

I grunted in pain as Vlad threw me down to the floor face first. "Plasmius..." I grumbled, standing up to face him. "Nice weather we're having."

"Ah yes." Vlad said, completely unfazed. "The obligatory weather pun. How original. But I have no time to take exception, I must resort to humiliatingly, desperate measures." He floated down to me and I took a fighting stance. I waited and then he spoke again as he walked closer to me. "Daniel. I need your help."

Once he explained everything, I changed into my ghost form and we headed for the giant green skull floating in the clouds during the storm. "Nice move, Plasmius." I said. "Unleashing an evil weather ghost just so you could look good to the voters?"

"I don't expect you to understand my reasons Danny." Vlad said. "The important thing is if we're going to defeat Vortex we're going to have to do it together."

We flew closer to the giant skull in the sky, and a bright flash of lightning struck. The skull roared and opened its mouth to roll out its tongue. At the edge of the tongue laid Vortex. "Come to admire my greatness up close?" He asked Vlad.

"Uh, no." Vlad said, with a smile. He gestured to me and I raised an eyebrow at him. "I just wanted to introduce you to a friend. Danny, Vortex. Vortex, Danny. Well, gotta fly. Ta~." He sped off and I frowned.

"My hero." I grumbled.

"A ghost boy?" Vortex asked me and I turned to face him. "So, you're the one they call Danny Phantom!" I watched as he made clones of himself in cloud formation as he spoke.

"Actually you'll find I'm more than one these days." I said, gathering up my ghost energy. "Oh come on...come on..." My whole body was surrounded by a green glow of ecto-energy, and I closed my eyes tight to concentrate. I opened my eyes to look at my own clones. "I did it!"

Each of my clones threw a ball of ecto-energy at the clouds and it ate them all up, one by one. When I saw it did nothing, all four clouds inhaled a deep breath and exhaled. My clones merged back into me and I groaned out of exhaustion. I managed to look at the clouds forming back into Vortex again, but he grew in size and he laughed at me. I gasped, and Vortex created a ball of snow in his hands.

He hurled it at me, and I grunted, getting covered in snow. I was frozen solid in the next moment and started falling to the ground. I needed to break free from the ice. My eyes were glowing green, and I used my strength to break the ice from my body.


*(Y/n)'s POV*

"(Y/n)!" Dad called out from downstairs. I was in my room resting, and waiting for Danny to call me, but I haven't heard anything in hours. "Where are you? Come downstairs!"

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