Chapter 43: The Growth

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*Danny's POV*

I grunted awake, thinking I was still in midst battle with Undergrowth. "Holy hibiscus..." I cursed, looking around a bleak view of Amity Park. I found myself trapped against vines and saw more green around town. "The whole city is a giant overgrown backyard!"

I looked over to see Tucker trapped against the tree with me. "I never eat my vegetables." Tucker said. "Why is it fair they get to eat me?"

I struggled to free myself, but then I started sweating. I felt strength being zapped from my body. "Ugh, man, no good. These vines are like steel cables. With sap!"  

We looked over to see Undergrowth forming himself from the ground. "Yes! The Growth is far stronger than any meat creature. No matter how powerful they think they are." I glared right up at him.

My hands tried to create another ecto-blast but then a couple of Venus flytraps held my hands together tight. "These ghost plants are blocking my ghost energy...Can't go intangible either." 

"Perhaps one day you will see that this is what nature intended all along." Undergrowth growled as flowers crept up to him. He cared for the flowers that were sitting on his shoulders. "Mankind is merely a temporary weed in the garden of life. A weed that can be removed."

"Danny Phantom bows to no plant!" I shouted. 

"Bow? We can't even wiggle our fingers!" Tucker said. 

"Your pessimistic, but accurate friend is right." Undergrowth said. "Observe. Your once proud, progressive metropolis." In the middle of town stood a huge brain that had vines attached to the townspeople's heads. They were being controlled and their eyes were green as they wandered, mindlessly. "The Mind Vine enables me to control the inhabitant's every movement. Why should I burden myself with the destruction of your city when I can have it's own citizens do it for me?" Tucker and I continued to watch as our own classmates were tearing down electric lines. "Once the way is cleared my children will be planted and grow anew." I looked over to see Paulina and her friends being controlled to grow more trees to life up ahead. "My consciousness. My will. Shall spread throughout globe, and the concrete jungle shall become real jungles."

"You can't win! If I can't stop you someone-" I said, then my whole body shivered. "-W-w-w-will." 

We heard the engines of the Fenton RV and I smiled at my parents with (Y/n)'s inside. "Get your filthy roots off my town you horticultural terror!" dad said, and smiled at mom. "Thanks for writing down the word, horticulture, sweet face." 

"I didn't want you to mispronounce it during the battle cry, hun." Mom said. 

"Agreed." (Y/n)'s mom said. "First impressions are very important."

"And she married me anyway!" Dad said, proudly. A saw formed from the back of the RV, and started cutting through a garden of vines. Then a huge tree pushed up from the ground underneath them and they got trapped by a vine twice the size of the RV. The RV got snapped in half and I watched our parents hop out. 

(Y/n)'s mom leaped into battle as mom aided dad who fell to the ground. (Y/n)'s dad followed after her with garden tools at their sides. They came to the rescue and started chopping them down together, and fought back to back until one of the vines from the brain attached to their heads. I'll never forgive myself if I can't save them.

"No, Mr. and Mrs. (L/n)!" I shouted. Then, I noticed mom also being caught in the vines as well. "Mom! They're being taken over by the Mind Vine. 

I saw dad screaming in shock when the vine attached to his head, but then he sat upright. "Hmm. I don't see what the big deal is." He broke the vine off and the vine tried to reattach itself. "Nope....Nope. Still feel fine- oh!" The head of the vine went straight through his ears and he grinned. "There we go! Mmm, chlorophyll."

"NO." I screamed. "Not them, too!" I glared at Undergrowth. "Let them all go!"

"He's controlling everyone!" Tucker said, "After us, there's nobody left."

"W-w-w-wait a minute." I shuddered, "W-w-w-where are (Y/n) and Sam?"

Undergrowth turned to us again and said, "Ah yes, the females. Every garden needs caretakers."

Two gigantic purple flowers appeared right in front of us. I watched as (Y/n) appeared under his control and she was surrounded by vines. (Y/n) wore a green dress and she glared at me with dark, green eyes. Sam floated beside her, wearing a similar outfit, but (Y/n) looked dangerously beautiful. 

"(Y/n)..." I said, gaping at her in surprise. 

"Green's a good color on you both!" Tucker commented. 

"This one's love of vegetation makes her the perfect choice to work alongside me." Undergrowth pointed to Sam as he pulled them both up. He pointed to (Y/n) and said, "I can show her the ropes...or vines, so to speak! She can learn so much more about our nature." He played around with the vines that made her act as a puppet and I snarled. 

"Flesh walkers." (Y/n) growled, her head tilting all the way to her left shoulder like a zombie. "Your bodies are needed for work." (Y/n) pointed at Tucker and vines appeared before him.

"Great." Tucker muttered. "Veggies and work. My two least favorite-!" I gritted my teeth in fear as I watched a vine attach to his head and he screamed.

"Tucker!" I said.

"And nourishment..." Sam said, deviously. "You know what to do..." 

She looked at (Y/n) who's hands were already raised, and behind her a giant Venus flytrap appeared, snarling. It started to chomp its teeth at me as it neared and I shivered some more. I closed my eyes, and yelled, "Back off!" I finally broke free and saw ice surrounding the tree. 

(Y/n) gasped and I flew away quickly. "Stop him!" Undergrowth shouted. I heard (Y/n) growling and I looked over my shoulder to see her chasing me down and then suddenly, she was gone. I looked around and then she swooped up in front of me. I backed away quickly. 

"(Y/n)?" I frowned at her and reached out to her.

"Join us, Danny..." (Y/n) said, with a creepy smile. "The growth is family." Vines creeped out from behind her and extended itself. 

"Already got one, thanks." I said, and the vines started to trap my arms together. "And I'm still working the b-b-bugs out of it." I felt a new surge of power grow within me. I froze the vines at my wrists and broke them apart. I flew out of there to ascend higher and higher. "At least they can't reach me up here. No such thing as flying plants!" 

"I am everywhere!" Undergrowth appeared in front of me and shouted.

"He might be everywhere out here." I mumbled, flying away. "B-b-but I know one place he's not! T-t-t-too cold." I tried to escape but he made clones at all different angles from me. I fought my way through the clones, and felt ice creep up my arms. "Can't stay airborne." I fell from the sky and turned invisible, into the sewers. The water froze, and I punched right through it.

"Become, Danny." (Y/n) said to me as she appeared through the sewers. "Become part of the growth..." I stared at her in surprise as vines slid through the walls of the sewers. Then, she chased me down the sewers and I panted. I looked up to find a ladder and leaped upward. I shivered my way through the exit. 

I popped open the exit, and peered out. I saw the Fentonworks straight ahead, and felt my body growing colder and colder. "I have...have to get inside." I said, holding my hands up to my arms to keep myself warm. Ice started creeping up my body. What the heck is going on? 

Then, I winced when Undergrowth's clones appeared around me. The last clone that formed shot spikes out at me, and I hurried to my house. I disappeared inside and quickly headed downstairs with vines crashing through my front door. When I phased through the floor, I couldn't handle it anymore and I turned visible. I fell to the ground, and struggled to sit up. I felt worse than I was this morning, and I could see even more ice creeping on my body. 

"The Ghost Zone." I said, staring straight ahead. "My only chance!"

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