Chapter 63: Search and Rescue

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

Danny was guiding us, floating beside me throughout the forest with his left hand glowing green. I tapped on my Wrist Ray nervously while Sam and Tucker were examining theirs. "Look at you, Tucker!" Sam said, and we looked over to them with a smile.

"Yeah, Tuck." I agreed. "Out in the woods at night. We're impressed."

However, the look on his face read something else. "It was worse than the cabin, (Y/n)." He said, unbothered. He held the straps on his backpack and then he glanced at me and Sam. "What about you, (Y/n)? You keep tapping on your Wrist Ray for like the last few seconds."

"I'm not scared." I said, without thinking and glaring at him. 

Then, Danny floated overhead and then stopped to raise his hands. "Guys, look." He said, "Footprints!" He landed on the ground to examine the giant footprints embedded.

"No big deal!" I said, putting up a brave face. I hurried over to stand close behind Danny. "Those could simply belong to a little woodland creature, r-right?" We all gasped, hearing a low growl up ahead. "A...A fluffy bunny foraging for a carrot, for example." Danny stood up next to me and held my hand protectively as his ghost sense went off. 

"A carrot with ghost powers!" Tucker also stammered.

"Relax, hackeyhead." Sam said to Tucker. "There's nothing to fear but-"

We all stared in complete shock, once a giant, green, reptilian monster jumped out of the bushes. "You were saying?!" I asked, peeking over Danny's shoulder. Danny fired a ghost ray from his hand and we yelped as the monster swatted us back into a vegetation plant. "Ow!" 

"How do we use these things, (Y/n)?!" I heard Sam call out to me, but I couldn't even reply. 

I groaned in pain with my head over Danny's chest. He had his arms wrapped around my head and around my waist and we sat upright together. Then, I heard the whirring sound of the wrist rays go off with the monster sliding on its back towards me and Danny. I pressed a sequence on the wrist way quickly and blasted the monster away off to the side. 

I hurried over to Sam and Tucker afterwards. "Guys, are you-?"

"(Y/n)!" Danny interrupted, and I wheeled around. I saw Danny holding out his hand towards me, but we were all just too frozen in shock to do anything else.  

"Oh...oh great." I manage to pant as the creature snarled to face me this time. "I'm his target now...Run!" The three of us screamed in fear. We were being chased down until we reached the ledge of a cliff. The reptilian monster pounced at us just as Danny finally caught up. He was a second too late and the monster wrapped his big arms around us, throwing us off the cliff with him.  

"No!" Danny yelled and the three of us screamed some more out of fear. "(Y/n), guys!" We ended up hanging from a branch together and looked up at Danny. 

"The sad part is, you guys, this is better than being in the cabin." Tucker said.

Danny hauled up Sam and Tucker from the branch and set them down before he could float down and rescue me. "Uhm...Danny? Please don't let him eat me." I worriedly said, as I looked down to the creature crawling up to me. Danny hurried over to wrap his arms around my waist and I let go of the branch to hold on to him. He quickly carried me away and pulled me back up. 

We all stood away from the ledge, and kept walking back when the creature appeared. "Here, kitty...thing," Danny motioned with his finger. I was standing behind him with my hand around his arm. "Wanna play fetch?"

"Uh, Danny?" Tucker asked. "Fetching is for dogs."

"Not when I'm doing the fetching!" He said, and I let go of his arm so he could grab the thermos. The creature got sucked inside and we finally relaxed.

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