Chapter 44: New Ghost Power

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*Danny's POV*

I ran for the entrance of the portal until one of the vines wrapped itself around my left ankle. I didn't know how it happened, but then the vine attached to my ankle was covered in ice and I broke off it. "Stay, my love..." (Y/n) said, and I yelped when she put herself between me and the portal. "Stay and be my king." 

"I always thought I would be your king." I said, holding my shivering body together. "Just n-not like this. I'll be b-b-back. I'll save you, and everyone! I love you." For a moment, I saw a glimpse of her emotion, and she looked at me as if she could recognize me. (Y/n) snarled at me, and her arms thrusted outward. The vines went to where it needed to go: me. I frowned and was taken aback until I ran right through her into the Ghost Zone. "I promise, (Y/n)!"

After a while of floating through the Ghost Zone, I looked around and said to myself, "Only one person who can help me. Hope I've managed to steer myself in the right d-d-direction..." I shuddered. I closed my eyes and let the Ghost Zone drift me away. In the next few seconds, my eyes opened, and I gasped, running right into an icicle. 

I fell into a pile of snow and closed my eyes, unable to do anything else.


*Third person POV*

"Object located, sir." I heard a voice say. "Shall we blast it to bits and prove our superiority?" 

Frostbite looked over the hovercraft and said, "This is no mere object. It is a friend in need." He looked to the ghost boy unconscious in the snow. He lifted Danny up in his claw and carried him in his arms. "We shall return to the city at once." 


*Danny's POV*

I woke up and bubbles appeared around me. I found myself in a tank. "Aha, good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" I looked at Frostbite staring at me and I was surprised.

"Frostbite!" I said, "Hey, wait a minute. Where am I?" I looked down and covered myself as I was only wearing my underwear. The only thing beside that I wore was a mask. "Where are my clothes?"

"This is a medical facility in the Realm of the Far Frozen." Frostbite explained. I saw other Yetis at control panels and tanks that were empty in the room. "And you are floating in a de-icing chamber. Your clothes are in the wash. There were a lot of burs in your shirt, and as for what happened? I'm afraid you're going to tell me, O' Great One."

I frowned, "Well what I can tell you isn't good. Amity Park, my home: completely overrun by Undergrowth. A psycho, freaky plant ghost."

Frostbite walked over to see a holographic image of Undergrowth appear. "I have heard tale of this Undergrowth. A powerful ghost he is. Capable of regenerating himself and producing numerous killer offspring. Nearly impossible to defeat."

I chuckled, "Heh, tell me about it. I tried to stop him, but I don't remember much once the cold sensation started taking me over." 

He turned back around to face me. He was smiling, as if he knew. "Ah yes the cold sensation." Frostbite said. He pointed to the monitor off to the side of the wall and I looked at it. They were monitoring me when I got here. "Your central core reading indicates extreme cold. As if your body is self generating it. I sensed it within you the last time we met." 

My hands were placed on the glass. "How is that possible?" I asked.

Frostbite was laughing as he walked forward to my chamber. "You become invisible, pass through solid objects, and emit beams of energy from your hands and you ask "how is this possible"."

Suddenly, I realized what he was laughing at. "You mean, this is a new ghost power?" 

"Precisely." he said. "Though, new to you it may be." He unfolded his hand that was covered with ice and created a snowball and turned it into a diamond crystal. "Rest assured, it is an ability very familiar to my people. We are quite well trained in its use." He held the small crystal in his other hand and then created a sculpture of me in just a matter of seconds. "Of course, there are more practical uses for it as well." The crystal was placed in the center of both hands and he formed it into a long sword. He let out a battle cry and sliced my sculpture in half. 

"Teach me!" I said, and then frowned. "Uh...When my clothes are ready."

Once I was out of the chamber, Frostbite led me to an arena. There was a whole crowd of Yetis here sitting at bleachers. "Why are there so many of your p-p-people w-watching us?" I asked, huddling myself. 

Frostbite let out a hearty laugh and said, "Ha! It is not every moon that my people get an opportunity to see their leader train one as legendary as you, O' Great One."

"You mean they're hoping I'll mess up, huh?" I said, and now I know how (Y/n) felt when she told me this the first day I met her. She was so worried about messing up on her first day of school with me, Sam, and Tucker that I smiled to myself. 

"Indeed." Frostbite said, grinning. "These people live in a frozen wasteland. They take their comedy where they can get it. Now then, lesson one: stop shivering.

I shuddered some more, and my teeth continued to chatter. "I-I-I-I c-c-can't!" I said, hopelessly. 

"This is because the cold is contained within you and ever since you acquired your ghost abilities you've only been letting it out in small amounts." Frostbite said. 

"Like when?"

"Every time you sense a ghost is nearby."

Huh? "My ghost sense?" I wondered. "That's been part of this freeze power all along?"

"But now you must learn to let it out all at once. Now then, concentrate." Frostbite leaned over with his hand around my shoulders. "Let the energy build until it has nowhere to go but out."

"Okay, here goes..." I said slowly. I could feel the surge of new power surrounding me, whole and I thought I did something once I the power burst out from me and I fell on my butt. Suddenly, I stopped shivering and I was laughing with glee. "Hey, wow! It worked! I feel normal again. No more cold feeling. Way to go, Frostbi-" I looked up to see him covered in ice. Did I do that

Frostbite was smiling at me with two thumbs up as he was covered in ice.

"Uh..." I said, holding up a finger. "Can I get some hot chocolate over here?"

Frostbite showed me different ways to control my powers. We had the Yetis bring out targets on the arena. I watched as Frostbite held out both hands and spikes were formed into ice. He attacked the targets with them and they hit bullseye each time. I tried to do the same, but used too much force. 

My ice spikes went past the targets and they hit the onlookers. I winced and looked apologetic. 

Then, Frostbite had a machine that shot out a hockey puck. I saw his eyes glow bright blue and he shot out an energy ray at the puck to destroy it. 

When it was my turn, my eyes glowed bright and I ended up freezing the crowd at the bleachers as the puck flew past me. "Great." Frostbite grumbled, walking away. "We're not going to sell any snacks, now."

Finally, the injured Yetis and Frostbite gathered around before I took off. "Well, I guess this is goodbye." I said. "For now. I don't know how I can ever thank you and your people enough."

"You can thank us by using your new abilities to rid your world of the evil ghost vermin that infests it." Frostbite smiled. 

I suddenly thought about (Y/n) then. "Yeah. I-I just...what if I can't beat him? If I can never go home to (Y/n) again. Maybe I could just stay here with you."

The three injured Yetis that represented Frostbite's bodyguards all exclaimed, "No!"

"Fear is natural, Danny Phantom." Frostbite crouched down to me. "Charging into battle despite the fear is what makes someone a hero. A hero must always believe that he will win. And your new abilities just may help." He let go of my shoulders and stood back up. I stared at the palm of my hands that were glowing bright blue. "Be mindful. You control the power. It does not control you."

"Thanks."  I said, gripping his hand with both of mine. I didn't realize until then that I was turning his hand into a block of ice. "Uh, sorry...Bye, everyone!" I raised my hand up to the injured Yetis ahead and waved, but they all screamed at me and scrambled away. 

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