Chapter 64: The Ghost Guards

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*Third person POV*

"(Y/n)!" Danny called out to her, but she was already gone. "You might need the...thermos."

"Maybe it's if we have it." Tucker said.

"Yeah, who knows what dangers could lurk right here in camp, right?" Sam asked.

Later that day, Danny was rowing the canoe with Tucker having a bored look on his face. Sam was in the other boat with another classmate of theirs awhile away from them. "Yay, lets hear it for danger." Tucker mumbled as Danny struggled to row in thick waters. Mr. Lancer was singing the song of Row, Row, Row, Your Boat through the megaphones to cheer up everyone.

"Great, now you start!" Mr. Lancer said. "Row, row, row, your boat. Gently down the stream..."

Suddenly, the whole lake got rolled over with fog and it got quiet. "Actually, this is perfect. Stay here while I go check out the woods." Danny said to Tucker and transformed into his ghost form.

Tucker looked down at the boat and saw that he left something behind. "Dude, wait!" Tucker called out, but Danny was already disappearing into the fog. "Ah well..." He pulled out his game console from his backpack and started booting it up.


*(Y/n)'s POV*

I was wondering how Danny, Sam and Tucker are holding up. I didn't like the fact that I was on my own here, learning how to go hand-to-hand combat with animals in the wild.

"And that's how you disable a grizzly squirrel with nothing but your bare hands!" Ms. Tetslaff said, standing up from the distressed squirrel. I exchanged a look with my group and they walked past me to follow her into the forest.

"Oh brother..." I sighed, and then I gasped when I heard a few bushes rustle behind me. I held up a thick walking stick and used it for defense. I pulled the bushes aside and saw there was nothing there. I turned around to face a giant creature looming over me. I took a fighting stance and raised up the walking stick as a weapon. I swung at it, but then the creature grabbed it from me and crushed it into pieces with one hand.

His eyes started glowing.

"And that's my cue to run." I told myself, and listened to my advice. I heard the explosion go off behind me from his ghost ray attack. The creature was tailing behind me, and I felt myself being swept off the ground quickly. I buried my head in someone's chest and I heard the monster crashing on the ground. I looked over and saw Danny's arm wrapped around my waist as he carried me away.

"Sticks are so last century, (Y/n), it's all about the ghost rays now." Danny teased and I smiled at him.

"Not my fault." I commented, shrugging at him. The monster turned to us and blasted us backwards with his ghost rays again. Danny and I fell on our backs and grunted in pain.

"See?" He managed to ask.

Danny flew away from me and attacked the creature. He grabbed the creature by its horns and pulled on it to flip him over. I walked over to him as he wiped his hands cleaned. "Don't play with it." I said, "Use the thermos!"

He started to reach for his back pockets and tried to also unlatch it from his pants, but then he started chuckling at me. "I kind of left it with Tucker..." He stammered nervously and I glared at him.


The monster rushed over to Danny and slammed its fists down on the ground. Danny dodged the attack and held out his hand to freeze the monster in a block of ice. "Come on, we better warn Tetslaff of the jungle about the monster." He said, jumping down to me.

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