Chapter 30: The Casper High Protest

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*Danny's POV*

"You had this coming!" Vlad shouted at me with his finger pointed at me.

"But-!" I started to say.

"No buts!" Vlad interrupted, raising his voice higher and angrier. "Trust me when I tell you that your life has just begun to become a relentless nightmare beyond your feeble imagination! And one thing further: when I said this place was off limits to teens, that includes ghost teens!!"

He was trembling with hatred, and pressed a red button that set off an alarm on his desk. I panicked and turned around when the Guys in White bust through the door. I started to fly away quickly as they raised their ecto-guns at me. They fired at me and I crashed through the walls by the ecto-blast.

I grunted in pain, and (Y/n), Sam, and Tucker stared at me. I fell on my back, grimacing with my eyes closed. (Y/n) crouched down to me. "So," Tucker said, casually. "How did that go?" She glared up at him and shook her head, and held my hand. I transformed back to normal and (Y/n) helped me up on my feet.

"This reeks..." I said, dejectedly. "I'm ruined...My ghost career is over, my school career is over, every kid at Casper hates me-!" I looked up to think about it a second more, "...More than usual..." (Y/n) and Sam were looking at the students crowding around glaring at us from afar.

"Yeah..." (Y/n) said, smiling at me. "But I bet they hate Vlad even more. I've got an idea!"


*(Y/n)'s POV*

"Let me get this straight!" Dash shouted from the crowd as we rallied up the students back at Casper High. Danny and I were standing on top of one of the lunch tables outside, holding signs. Tucker and Sam were also holding up signs from the ground. "You're leading a protest against your buddy the Mayor?"

"Trust me; he's no buddy of mine, or yours!" Danny said, "He's just using us!"

"But the people have the power to make it change!" I said.

"Right!" Sam said, in agreement.

"We can take back this town one Nasty Burger at a time!" Tucker finished, as we all held the signs up high.

"So, what do ya say?" Danny asked, taking my hand in his, "Are you with us?"

The crowd responded with cheers and I looked at Danny who smiled at me.


We took the protest to the front of McMasters, and everyone was shouting in protest until the news reporter came to capture this live. "It's a chaotic scene here at McMaster's as irate Casper High Students protest the eateries no teenager policy." she announced.

"Fries, not lies!" We shouted together.

I looked over to Sam and Tucker beside me and we were beaming with excitement. "This is so cool!" I shouted over the crowd.

"This protest is bound to rattle Vlad's cage!" Sam said.

"Right, Danny?" I asked, but then we looked around in confusion. "Where's Danny?"

"Your boyfriend must be taking a break." Tucker said, and narrowed his eyes. "But I'll tell you who is here! The Mayor himself!

We watched as as limousine rolled by in front of us, parking at the restaurant, and Vlad stepped out of the vehicle. He walked up to me, Sam, and Tucker. "Now now, children." He said. "I'm sure we can reach some sort of understanding here!"

I glared up at him. "We are not children, so stop treating us that way!" I shouted, as our classmates cheered with us.

"Never fear, Vladdie!" I looked over to see my parents standing by Mr. and Mrs. Fenton.

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