Chapter 7: Danny vs Technus in Space

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*Danny's pov*

Later that night, Sam and Tucker were gathered in my room. I was sure that (Y/n) didn't want to see us as she was more upset than I was. "So, Technus must've been behind the attack during the tour!" Tucker said. "Which means he's trying to crack the code and get to the main computer in space!"

"Which he could use to control every computer in the world!" Sam also said.

"You only know that because I told you that." Tucker said, glaring at her before he glanced at me. "Are you okay?"

I was not okay. (Y/n) and I were pretty bummed about everything. We thought we made date night work out, but it turned out to be part of another plot. "You guys should've heard (Y/n) over the phone earlier." I said with my head over my hands. My knees were pulled up to my chest and I perched my elbows over it. "She was so sad about this whole thing that she thought it was us being able to pull it off without any ghost involved."

"But its not you two's fault." Sam said.

"It doesn't matter!" I said. "Its because of these ghost powers I have that's causing our relationship to go downhill. Maybe if I wasn't a ghost, we'd have a better chance. We have to get rid of that virus called Technus once and for all!"

Then, Dad appeared at the hallway in front of my door. I winced. "Danny!" Dad said. "Word on the street is that you and (Y/n) are getting a little more serious!" He grabbed my shoulder and faced Sam and Tucker. "Uh...can you two leave so I can have a totally awkward, father-son, chat?"

"Gone and gone!" They said, and hurried home.

After they left, Dad grabbed chocolate ice cream from the freezer and we sat down together at the kitchen table. "Does it have to be awkward?" I asked.

"Yep!" Dad answered. "I'm going to give you some fatherly advice! Then, I'm going to say something that will make you cringe and run out of the room in embarrassment."

"Check." My eyes squinted out of worry. "Advice first?"

"Alright, if you really like (Y/n), Danny, you should let her know and give her this!" He pulled out an item from his pocket and revealed a ring in front of me.

"A class ring?" I asked out of curiosity. "I've only known (Y/n) for only months, dad."

"A girlfriend's not a girlfriend until you give her a class ring, Danny." Dad said, and I picked up the small ring. "It also says, 'You'll be the girl I'd fight ghosts with'! At least it did with your mom. I'm sure it'll be appropriate for you two."

I chuckled, "You'd be surprised." I held up the small ring with a blue topaz on top. "I can give her this?"

"Only if she's special." Dad noted. "I even have it engraved!" I looked through the ring to see (Y/n)'s name on it, and blushed. Then, he cupped his hand at his mouth to whisper, "See, that was the embarrassing thing. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time for pie."


*(Y/n)'s POV*

That night, the four of us met atop of the hill by Axion Labs. Danny handed me and Sam the pair of Fenton Phones. "Here." Danny said, in his ghost form.

"The Fenton Phones?" I asked as I placed them on.

"Yeah, once Technus leaves here, let me know." he said. "Plus again, it'll be easier for the four of us to communicate." Then he walked to Sam, and I made out the whisper, "Hey, can you hold on to this?" he handed her something that I couldn't see and disappeared.

"Your boyfriend really is clueless, isn't he?" Tucker asked.

Then, Sam took a look at the object, making sure I didn't see. "Who the heck is (name spelled backwards)?" I tilted my head at her and she put it away quickly before I even asked what it was.

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