Chapter 17: Thr future to come!

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Hey! So this will be the last one in the stroy but dont be sad! Why?! Youll see at the end :)

So back to Alex finally. While all that from the last chap went on, he was sleeping with his Satan bros but not like that and on diffrent beds. H e was glad BadBoy was not Chrissen anymore for now and so he could plot his revegning in safety. Cause he still had to do that afer the Chrissens got him before.

But suddenly! A BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM happened just across the road! It was a flash bomb that boomed but it was powered by nuclears so it was stronger. It was stronger than Schkat's atom powered ones cause the windows around exploded from lights and all the birds in the area died and were glowing with the light.

"That wanst me cause it can't be!" Scat nearly spat at a dead glowing bird. "So who did?"

They came to check the area and saw that the citizens outside were running scared and some were crying and sexxing out of scared and sex got on the floor around the place. Draco got on the floor and smelled cause he smelled something weird!

"Im a vampire Satanits so I can smell death and there's lots of it here!" he explained. "And I can smell that someone here...has DIED!!!!!!" No

"NOW WAYYYY" Alex and Schlat went. "We must see the dead dued"

So they went into the direction of the smell according to Drake and sure enough they found a dead nearby! Except it was not a full dead but only a dead rib.

"Great we found the dead dude" Draco lolled. "But whys there so little of the dude?"

"Oh damn" Schkar ponded. "Could it be Deeam sending his evil mates at us to scare us again by killing this dude?"

"I hate that sh*t toothpaste f*ck" Alex lolled but hsi lol was angry and everyone could feel the anger behind the lolling even the birds. He was already mad at him before for the betray with George an everyone else besides a few people but now this dead dude was his lastest straw!

Meanwile at SMP

"I haven't killed some one in a loooong tim" Rambo grumbled licking the ash from his gun holes.

"Hey me neither!" Sapnap said also flanting his dog pelt belt he was wearing cause he kiled dogs in the lore once I think so he mad use of htem.

"And also not me ever!" Filza and Karl Jacobs and everyoen else except the other two guys and Dream.

"Weird." Deeam blorped. "I also don't remember very much. But then, idk."

And then Alex bust the door down!

"YOU WHY DO YOU RELESE THE SUPER COOL FLASH NEAR OUR SECRET BASS AND KILL MY FELLOW SATANITS?!" Alex hissed hustly and tuend into Satanits again to fight and the very sight of him was so scary Sapnap was scarred and went sobbing into his rugs made from cats. Now this is real cause he mist fight EVERONE to find...the...TUTH!!!!!

"Were up first!" Filza and Karl yelped as they grabbed the fancy marble status near Dream's manshin's entrance and wore the knight armors in his troffy room and took their spears too and got on horses to come at him!

Alex as Satanits did lol as he jumped out of the way of their charging and they both smashed into the marbled walls and the horses and the speers got bent. They got off to take out thier sword instead and swung it awesome but Alex swapped one of his gun fingers for a sword gun that was effective against swords and shotted a lotta holes in them and the blades fell off all steaming and hokey. Then he knocked them and it's lights out for those first two!

"My turn next!" screamed a random hobo dude neer them but Alex just shot him too. But it his a food gun that's shot food and it shot him a soup so he was fine with it.

SMP: Avenging AlexWhere stories live. Discover now