Chapter 4: More rescues happen woo!

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So I've notice that sometims my fic dont display on the front page on AO4 after I pose a chapter. I try to delete and post the chap again but still no luck. Are the Qyackity haters hacking this fic? Cause it seems pretty sus and not pog like they ar.

I was very cofnused so I assed my bro Chris (Hes not really my bro but hes like one to me :) ) about it and he tells me its nothing to worry about. I hop hes right cause I woud be mad if the haters did that and I hope its working fine this tim. Ok now into it

Quacks took a hard minute to stare at the vines of choices in front of him. Then he took another to look at Cal above. It was hard to see cause all the vines did twits and twirls and loop de loops around each other. And it was night so that made him harder.

Quack took out some sissors to feel the thickness of each vine but that was a bad ideal. So he jumped up on the vines to pull out more from above and so there where now more that are the correct solution. Then he YANKED them all down so the correct ones cancelled out the ones that killed and a whole bunch of vine fell with Cal who landed on Techno and it hurt.

"AHHHH" Cal yelled until he hit Tech then stopped.

"Are you ok?" Quackity assed as the others ran and bought Calhan to safety and also helped Techno up.

"Think I broke something" he grooned but was otherwise alright.

They gave him a bandaid and sent him on his way also and now that was done with! After that they were pretty darn tired so they went down and made beds to sleep in for the night.

But then! In Quack's mind...

"Mmm..." he taught to himself as he drifted. He fell strangely calm as the dark space around became colors and images! He was confuse cause he did not remember the last time he had a reel dream like this, and everything around him was all blurry and frogged up. He saw himself in a suit and standing beside two men dressed like him and a crowd cheering at them holding blurred signs and-

In the real world!

"GAH" he yelled as he woke and saw everyone else snoring off too. He taught that dream reminded him of a thing in his past then remembered that he forgot his past. Then he slept a little more until they all woke.

After that they went and rescued the other folks and I forgot who the other SMP dudes but ill just say what they did. They found one stuck in a tundra cave so they dug that dude out, another who accidently went to the Nether and they got him out before a Gast took him, and another running from a zombie at night so they put him in a dirt box till the morning when the zombie was burned and dead.

Now there was just one dude left and it's BadBoy!

Sklatt looked down at the fancy note that was fished up and saw some coords to the place of the kidnapping. In the distance they saw a real shady town full of shady people standing and being shaded in the shades and everyone knew it looked shady. Everyone took out their weapins and approached,
hopping in the window of a house.

"Hello?" Quackity yelled extra loudly so that the kidnaped guy inside could hear him.

"Guys?" A voice came and they turned to see it was BadBoy! Strapped to a chair and gagged!

"WTFFFFF Thank chappies your safe" Tommy relieved while everyone else cheered and went to undo his ropes but suddenly!

"STOP RIHT THERE" a bunch of gards busted! They were villagers but the evil gray kind so they were PILLAGERS! They did not tell them in English but in evil grunts instead.

"F*ck!" Quacks spat and his spit smacked one of the guards who got mad. "How did they find us out!"

They crunched down on gold apples and went and tried to fight with dimond swords but they had crossbows and magic which was stronger that went flying all over which made them fly all over and they had to retreat to the back of the rom under a furnace to make a recovery.

"Looks like we have NO OTHER CHOCE" Techno and Sklat spat and the spits hit the same gaurd so he had to take a shower later.

"Yes!" Quack did a evil grin as his face turned into lol. "There are a couple things still up my sleeves..."

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