Chapter 11: The big battel! But a twist will come

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Ok so what a f*ck! I herd QUACKS is gonna leve the SMP! Not in the fic cause he did in chap 5 remember but in IRL. Dint you guys hear that to? WTFFFFFFFFFF

Idh how I fel now cause Quacks is all I care about in the SMP and now hes gone away doing not-SMP thngs wich is sad cause I like those thing even though I olny car aboit him nd also think he still sould be the manin character off the lor insteed of some other guy. But htere's more fic coming now so that's good :)

So now Dream's all mad and Sapnap's scared and Geroge is Anti-Alex and Rambo's back also! You all know what that's time for WAR!

"Snaps!" Anti-Alex snarled very evil at him while Rambo flexed his guns and Dream stood still smiling in the back also with scary which made him look VERY scary making Sap scream from scary. "Get the GPS!"

Sapnap gulfed and tossed over the GPS in his pockets. Dream's cardboarded arms reeched for it and tried looking at Alex's address but it got Anti-Alex's instead cause it confused them so he turned it off and on again and a ping happen in the ruins!

"Damn. I thought I killed that place long ago. Why're they there." Deean sighed in a smiley way.

"Not sure BUT NOONE CARES NOW!" Anti-Alex went angryily as he dragged along Sapnap to guard outsife.

At Alsx's place!

Alex saw outside whats happening all over there with benoculars and sounded all of Techno's alarms and screamed "Tech, get into battle stations!" with the emergency megaphone that was colored all red so people would notice it more and pay attention.

Soon everyone who was his fan in the Pewdie stream earlier had gathered at the location he specified near the destroyed courthouse of the ruins.

"Today is a good day!" Alex told. "A good day to REVENGE and OTHER DUDES TO GET RVENEGED"

"YEAAAAAAHHH" his crowd of mans agreed, shaking their guns and rockets and toy nifes for the kids who were too young for those.

At the SMP!

Dream was sitting in his manshin all moppy cause Quacks had dropped a big roast on him last time nd he was sad of that. Below there, six green hoodied people await and herd all of what's going on!

"FINALY we found the bass!"

"But WTF isn't some ASS gonna ATACK my lovely MAN today?!!"

"How someone DAres to attack my dearly Dream...they will pay for their CRIMS!"

"GRRRR...! I...feel...him...coming again! Wilbur- my protector- ackkk!"

"Cant belive I got the chair here just for this too happen. Damn!"

"Keep calm! Get the ohers on the Discord on this!"

One of them took the phone out their hoodie and texted a bunch of pople. It was a big Discord so many knew about it now and soon they were at the base!

"DREAM!" they all shooted. "WE MUST FIGHT FOR YOU YOUR HONOR!"

Dream was happy to see them and they were exited to help there dear leader and some we're sneaking in the manshin to steal stuff but he paid them no mind.

"My fans, thank you for ALL the support!" Dream lolled hapy. "Stand guard with the others cause they'll come any moment! NNNNNNNNNOW!"

"YES SIR!" his proud army shitted back. "But well get bored out there cause we only want George and you kissing each other out and not some other guys"

"Ok fine, sheesh. You guys sure are a little clingy. Then I will be with you too!" Dream smilied.

"YAYYYYYYYY" they screeked and everyone surrounded him as he slid outside like a big donut made of people. The big battle was soon to begin!

SMP: Avenging AlexWhere stories live. Discover now