Chapter 7: A pursuit for Sklat!

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After he comes back from his record setting, Dream was chilling and sillying wi the others and drinking shampains among themselfs except the kids who had Pepsi but dyed like shampain so they dint feel left out.

"Oh and about Alex and the rest..I feel they will get revenge soon. We must kill them before they do." Dream blibbed.

"That's a good ponit." Geroge relied.

"Then I shell shoot them!" Rambo stood up loading his many guns.

"No. We need to be smart and make a trap and a plan to be sure!" Dream blobbled thoughtily. But it was to late as Rambo already left for them!

"Damn. Noone listens to me even though i'm evil." Dream sighed as he wasn't very good at being evil. But he still smiles cause Rambo's good and can shoot the traiters good too.

Ok now we're back to Alex wooooo!

The four guys where heading to the locaton on the Earth map and it was taking such a long time Alex and the others had to pee. Shjatt didn't need to go so the rest of them took turns at an outhouse nearby while he waited. The he got bored and explored the woods nearby.

He herd some rustles and things breaking in the trees and wind so he got scared but it really was just from himself. He dint get so scared when he realised that and continued his walk.

Then he realised he needed to go too so he found a toilet a few kms away and RAMBO JUMPED OUT

"Time to draw THE FIRST BLOOD" Rambo screeched, going ham-bo on the lone dude as a boatlot of metal sprayed from his M60.

Sklat acted fast even though he needed to pee and jumped behind the toilet as a shield and all the bullets poked it open but he dodged and jumped to the trees. He dropped a bunch of vines on the trees on him to trap him but Rambo knew the jungles well like in the movies and slashed all of them before they hit the grounf and his plan didn't work.

"Ok I'll do something else" Shat took out a flash bomb and it wasn't an ordinary flash cause it was powered by atoms! Its a secret weapon from the government taht he kept with him in case he needs it like now.

He threw the flash atomic bomb and blasts of light exploded in Rambo's eyes which dropped all the birds in a thousind km radius and stunned him for enough time to make a get away and let Alex know the news of the attack. He made it there after a bit then went to use the ourhouse cause he needed to go fast.

WTF the others went as they heard it from him and acted quick as they got into action and went to confont the assailant before he gets them too!

"GET OUT THE WAY" Rambo charged like a blind bat  in hell which he was besides the bat and the hell part as he jumped through the jungle trees with guns and bulls blazing and he couldn't see so he had to feel through the area by hearing the bullets land.

"How about yo mama get out the way so she can put you in a playground with the other boys you silly boy!" Alex spat and his spit watered a plant near him where the spit hit and Tommy screamed from such a sick burn he made and everyone laughed.

Tommy ran around between shots, beatboxing to sound like bullet hits to disrack Rambo while Alex, Shklat, and Techno got Alex into the Duck Formation again to shoot back as they did the thing from last time and his arms tuned back in gunned wings.

He was shooting back manys of times over but Rambo could hear the bullets coming closer so dodged all of them before they hit and his M60's got some fire power too and both their bullets kept deflecting and hitting midair and it wasnt clear who a winner is here.

Suddenly one of Rambo's bullets shot a whole into one of Alex's wings!

"F*ck! The flaw in my technique!!" Alex hissed like a mad rattlesnake with an actual rattle from Mexico insteed of the usual one cause it got chopped off by the sickle of an even madder farmer after the snake touched his corn crops and its mad about that. A whole lot of wind from the wizzing billets blew through his wing hole and made him slowy float to the ground where he was able to be tarheted by Rambo's guns so it was serious!

Then suddenly white lighting fell from hevin to strike Rambo! They burned him to toasts so he died and had to respawn back to the SMP in angry.

"WTFFFFFFF is that" everyone said stunningly as a figure was coming at them from above.

He was a tan glowing eyed man with a blue shirt and an even bluer pants and then they knew who it was!


SMP: Avenging AlexWhere stories live. Discover now