Chapter 10: Dudes revenge and get revenged on!

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I notice that I haven't been getting as many vews as I normaly do per chap. Its the hater hacksrs again who dont make my fic go on the top properly! Cause their all uncool like that and they probs think Dreams a better dude then Quackity wtf!

BUT! I ain't giving up that easy! Cause Quacks is my only favrite guy ever and I love the peeple who read this too wether it be 2 or a trillion of you :) So dont worry cause ill keep on chugging! Yeah! Let's GO now!

All the guys except one who wasn't went into the tower in the ruins and they got up to the new floor which was Technoblade's secret floor which he made to store all his techs cause he's a tech dude with his blade and that's why he got his name.

There were lits and alelts and raders going off when they came but Techno just forgot to turn them off so he turned them off. He got to his mini fridge in the corner near his workbens and took out Cornettos to give to everyone.

"Welcome to my liar!" Techno lmaoed and slurped up the contents of his cone all happy and messy and it mad a happy mess all over the floor. "Now this is where the real plan starts!"

Nik looked around and got on a laptop cause she was one of those hacker lades from Fats and Furious Crossroads and hacked into a Wifi so she could use it. Thankfully she dint see the Internet history inside cause It was full of naughty stuff! It had game toreents and pirate sites and Flash games on CollMathGames cause they removed Flash form all computers last yeer and now playing them is ilegal.

Alex finsihed his Cornetto and got round to see what was happen and saw she opened up Dream's stream account! Cause he was gonna do a stream soon!

"Oh sh*t" Alex shooted at a fly licking on the creamy mess Techno left behind. "We must act now!"

He took over the computer cause Nik wasnt familar with Twitch like he was and as soon as he touched the reminded him of something. His mind felt weird as it went all ZOOOOM and things got flashbacky!

In Alex's mind...

This time the sene was very clear, like its happening and stuff. There was an explosion that just happened and George was standing there and screaming peoples in the back and also shklat whos still missing btw. But George was standing in that EVIL way that evil people stand!

"FOOLL" Gorge went. Alex got up on his feet and they fight with magic and weapons throwing everywhere and he had his computer tipping out stuff and Geege had his own! Strangely when he typed stuff in his computer they appeared IRL and it all was not normal!

It looks like he was winning, but then...

"Abra Kadavra!" Herige screamed and Alex saw a death magic shooting to him from George's computer that hit him and-

In the IRL real world!

"GAHHHH" Alex gahhhhed. Everyone saw him strange but he just said he taught of a Thanos Obama and everyone was okay.

Meanwhile at the SMP

Dream was brushing his teeth until he realized all the water made his cardboard arms soggy plus he didn't have teeth anyway so he stopped. Today was gonna be another stream and Sapnap booted the comp for him and 240 million subs have comed.

"Good morning my, fans!" Dream lolled. "Today with me are George and Skippy and Fundy so I hope you enjoy and lets go"

He got on a Discord call with everyone and went ahead lolling and playing and babbing each other and you dont need to her all that so im not getting into that stuff cause it would take to long and they swear a bit and thas not friendly for the kids. Now lets see what QUACKS is doing WOOOOOOOO!

HE WAs watching there too cause he got the notif for the stream cause he was still on his subriptions and he forgot to clear them. Nik actived the flash drive and with a little hacking magic form Alex they connected to Dream's stream!

They went messing with the chat first and made a bunch of links to the trollface wiki and all of Dicky Damelo's songs and few thousind clicked and got so mad they smashed their phones and logged out. But there where so many other comments that they got pushed out fast like a good Quacity fic on AO3 being pushed out the front page  by the Quakity haters GOD thats annoying >:(

Alex thought and tiped more stuff and made a funny Easter duck in 4D that pooped eggs and glitter all ove r the screen and that was funny but everyone watching was to busy cheering and donating and sexxing to note so that dint do anything either. To make a REAL impact...he must go HARDER!

That was when he was finished hacking into the audio of the stream and now the party can begin!

In the MSP stream...

Dream was busy boringly chathing while dudes who like him watched and got crazy cause of it cause hes JUST THAT AWESOME. Ehh. But suddenly!

"Helooo..." Dream's dialog changes as now Alex changed the audio so he was speaking Dreams words and now things were getting interesting! "Poediepee is havign a stream right now and its WAYYY cooler then this boring one of mine. Go to that one instead!"

People screamed like mad cause the only guy who has more Internet power than Dream in the Minceraft worl is PERDEWPOE cause he has like a billion views so people started leaving for his in drives and went sexxing to his streams instead and he had a tenth of his audience left but Alex wasn't done!

"WTF. What is this?" Dream said in IRL.

"Also I wanna say that BTS and EXO and Billy Eyelish and James Charlie and Mr Best and Dude Perfect and and Justin Beeber are all bad cause they all SUUUUCK!" Alex made him online say.

This worked awesome cause everyone left suddenly stoped sexxing and took back all their donates and made some bad comments and left! They tried save it with some good merch but it was to late. Now the SMPs got all spooked and now their on there toes.

Meanwhile at the other stram!

Pie's was giving big PPs and small PPs to Reddit dudes when suddenly a webcams popped up! There they saw all the people who gotten betrayed plus Herobone and a mafia chick which made all the dudes nd lesbins wistle.

"This is Alex aka Quacks and IM NOT DEAD" Alex announed. "You only TAUGHT I was cause you were LIED! I know your all mad so join me in the mad as I will RAID THE SMP BASS LIVE TONIGHT"

Out of the billions of people watching Pew's stream there were like more than a billion of them knew Quackity so they were happy and ready to raid! Now back to Dream's stream.....
"How is this happening..." Dream and the others all freaked as they tried to bring the views back up with new merch or something but it was too late!

The hacked Dream voice then turned to the SMP being shock and he had an evil thing to say to them!

"Dream, George, Skeepy, Fundy" the voice recited. "I haven't forgot what you did and you should watch out or the CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME"

On that note he switched off the stream. Alex and the others cherred and celebrated with more Cornetto and were happy while the other SMPs were not!

"Sir, who could did this?" Sapnap wimpered and George came out from the other room.

"That Quacky quacked up fool doesn't know what's coming for him!" George snapped and came up quick with a plan to stop him!

He stepped a loose tile in Dream's room that ooened up to his wizard stash where he kept his magic things and took out a bottle that was a spray can but magic. He sprayed it and was covered in a magic fog from the sprays. Dream and Sapnap stared in amaze when he stepped out but different: He now looked like Alex! With the same face and the same cloths and the same everything really except his glasses and his eyes which were red for evil.

"It's time to put an end to this sillyness!" George as evil Alex lolled. "For I am now...ANTI-ALEX!"

SMP: Avenging AlexWhere stories live. Discover now