Chapter 2: So what happens?

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They got in and the plane flew fast to the SMP server and there was a meeting taking place in the center of Lmaoberg and it was held at a round table.

"So WTF happened!?" A dude named Rambo yelled as he waved his hard fists around.

"Idk, do you know WTF cause I don't!" A whole other dude named Sapnap assed.

"Me neither and me too" Karl Jacobs sadded cause he felt sad.

"If we ask this over and over we will not get nowhere!" Sklatt snapped. "BadBoyHello and the others we sent to expand the server have disappeared! Who knows where they went!"

"Idk not me" Wilbur Soot, Fundy, Skeppy, and Fillza both said.

"Also not me" Lazarbeam, Awesam, GorgeNotFound, SlimeSickle, and all the other dudes from before said.

Suddenly when the moods have gotten tense, the door peaked open as a little smiley blobby man slinked in. He has no limbs or torso like the others so he wears bright green cardboard shaped like them on him and thats how he does all his runs. He slowly glided on the floor like a mop and was kept smiling as he came to sit near George.

"Dream! What do you think!" Techno assed.

"Interesting. They should be done now." Dream bobbled and wiggled smilling. "Wonder how are they."

In some place or other!

There was a squad sent by Dream. Inside the team was BadBoyHello, Tubbo, Callahan, and all the other SMP dudes I dint mention yet except a few maybe. They were just about done with a new build for the server until they got chased!

"We must split!" BadBoy yelped as they ran.

"Eye eye!" everyone else relayed as they all diverged in diffrent ways but BadBoy suddenly tripped! He saw the others sprint away freely as they cauht him up!

Back at SMP base...

"Shoot" George gasped as he herd their running coming from his walky talky and then a whole bunch of statics came.

"What?! Where is he?" Quackity gasped! BadBoy had borrowed a very special book of his that he will loose if he died! He was scarred for him if they aren't saved...or worse!

"Hes probs kidnapped and the others are all alone." George grumped. "So basicly they're f*cked"

"Oopsy." Dream jiggled.

Quackity was all grumped too cause his friend was there and he cant let this go! "Nooooo! I must go to SAVE HELO AND HIS FRIENDS"

"No. you are still too weak." Dream squibbled, his smile unchanged. "So mind your bizes."

"But then I shell prove myself!" Quackity smacked real hard.

"Are you not listening!" Dream wobbled in frustrate but still smiled no the less.

"Yeah I am. But no!" Quacks fisted the table and it smashed and a shard of table went flying at Dream and barely missed him. His face was smiling still, but Quack knew there was no such smile in his soul.

"Alright. I'll let you go." Dream wibbled. "Anyone else who wants to join him?"

Everyone fell silent for a minute but then!

"I'll be with him if noone else will!" Technoblade stood up on the char but tripped and fell all silly.

"I may as well go wahtc over the silly dude" Sklhatt went looking at Techno all sillied out with lol face and a anime sweat.

"And me to" Tommy lolled.

"Thanks you, boss. And thanks you too." Quackity did salutes until he stopped to do an exit.

"Well that about does it. Now go with the lot of you." Dream jumbled and as they all went, he faced his team. "George. We'll be making an annuncement soon..."

And now with our four heros ready to do hero things, the story can relly start now! Stay tuned for more comming soon!

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