He could grow ivy from his hand, and then more ivy from the ivy.

Plants didn't move quickly, and it was impossible for a vine to sweep and move through the air like a whip, but it was difficult to avoid when there were many of them. When they intertwined together, they became equivalent to a fortress that firmly protected the ability user within.

And, this was even a moving fortress. Once the vines were able to catch hold of the opponent for a moment, the rest of the vines would immediately surround them and hold them tight so that the ability user could freely use his ultimate attack...

Female commentator: "Oh, Meowmeowmeow is done for."

Sure enough, the ability user had finally won the match. The druid struggled helplessly within the entanglement of countless veins before turning into a streak of white light.

When the two contestants returned to the stage, the audience was filling the screen with, "Tentacle monster 66666"

Tyron noticed this nickname and asked Victor, "What does tentacle monster mean?"

Victor blushed and muttered incomprehensibly, then said, "It means his abilities are great..."

Tyron: "???"

Although he still didn't understand the actual meaning, he had come to realize that 'tentacle monster' probably meant something quite dirty.

Things that could make the children of the interstellar era blush had to be extremely dirty.


The afternoon game ended at around 3 o'clock. It would originally have been followed by the game between Odin and Geng Chen, but Geng Chen had abstained, therefore changing the schedule.

They sat there for a little while longer and saw the new points ranking come out:

Ability user 'Little De', 4 points.

Assassin 'Odin', 3 points.

Paladin 'Forgetting Worries', 3 points.

Hacker 'Universal Day', 1 point.

Elemental dancer 'Geng Chen', 0 points.

Druid 'Meowmeowmeow', 0 points.

The system listed the next round: Assassin 'Odin' vs Ability user 'Little De', Paladin 'Forgetting Worries' vs Druid 'Meowmeowmeow', Hacker 'Universal Day' vs Elemental dancer 'Geng Chen'.

So, Odin's game was tomorrow morning, and it was against the 'powerful' tentacle monster.

Victor: "......"

Tyron had seen a bit of the replays of the ability user's games before, but he had nothing else to do that evening and watched another two games to further refine his thoughts.

At this time, Victor said nervously, "Let's change the leather armor and cape into chainmail! Steel armor! No, how about changing it into a spacesuit?"

"......" Tyron asked, "Do you want me to change professions and fight as a mummy?"

Victor's face was full of fear, "Those are tentacles! It's a tentacle monster!"

Tyron: "What's there to be afraid of?"

Victor: "Flashing others!!!"

Tyron: "......"

On that day, the old antique went onto the internet and researched tirelessly, finally learning a brand-new, completely impossible-to-perform style of play: Tentacle play.

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