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Okay,maaf banget aku belum bisa update story karena aku pcd abis nonton OTRA dan blm lagi kabar tentang Zayn keluar One Direction.

Okay,it makes me hurt. To be honest,i love One Direction,especially Zayn. Like he's my first crush di One Direction. Aku jadi Directoners karena Zayn. Dia yang ngenalin aku ke dunia 1D.

Aku tumbuh bareng One Direction. Dari aku umur 10 tahun aku udah suka mereka. Sekarang aku udah 14 tahun. 4 tahun mereka udah ngebuat aku happy. They're here for me. Even they dont know me.

It hurts when someone you love the most leaves you,right?

It hurts when you used to see 5/5 manggung bareng,bikin album berlima,dan sekarang aku cuma bisa ngeliat 4/5.

Aku ga ngerti harus gimana, aku bener-bener nangis 5 jam.

Kadang,aku mikir, why did one people can save million and million cant save one people?

Ya,Zayn udah nyelametin puluhan juta orang. Dia adalah orang yang terlalu baik. Like sometimes i keep asking "is he a human or an angel?"

Sekarang,aku ngga tau mau ngapain. Andai aku bisa ngebujuk Zayn untuk balik ke 1D,aku akan ngelakuin hal itu. Tapi,aku gak bisa.

Aku gak bisa ngebayangin kalo nanti 1D bikin album ke-5 tanpa suaranya Zayn,highnotenya Zayn,pokoknya tanpa Zayn. Pasti kurang.

Ya,he's just a little boy from Bradford and now he's smashing my heart into million pieces.

But,i know that every choices he made,it's the best for him. I love him no matter what. And i'll still support the others.


I know i'm just a fan,and i know you only know me as one of your million fans,but i love you. Tapi,kalo Zayn mau balik lagi ke 1D, The Boys and Directioners will always be there to welcome you home.

I'll always be a Directioners till the end of time.

Keep in mind Zayn,i'll still love you.

By the way,i'll update TRY really soon.

Love you lots!:)




TRY {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora