Chapter 45

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5 months later...

Cora's POV:

"I can't do this, I've never done this." I pant heavily. Mia only laughs. "Of course you've never done this. Unless you've gotten married before which I don't know about." I let out a soft laugh.

4 hours. That's all I have left until I get married to the man of my fucking dreams. And I'm fucking nervous as hell. 

"You got this." She grips my shoulders from behind me as I stare at her through the mirror. She's helping me get ready and so far we only have my hair and the base of my makeup done. 

I haven't seen Michael all day but the thought of him in a suit turns me on a bit.

"Look up." Mia instructs while bringing the mascara wand to my face. 

The wedding is nothing too extraordinary. Neither of us wanted it too big. He changed his mind after I told him that and I asked him if he was sure far too many times than I should've. He probably got annoyed... oh well.

"Coraaa." Alex walks in the door and I see him smirk from the mirror. 

"Alex, you're not supposed to be here!" Mia moves on to my blush. He only shrugs, "What? I'm not the groom." 


"How much longer are y'all gonna take." He continues. That seems to set Mia off and she approaches him, pushing him out the door. "Out." 

I let out a laugh through my teeth. "Men." She rolls her eyes. 

The rest of the time Mia is helping me, I can't help but think about Elena. How much she would've wanted to be here, watching her son get married. 

A small tear rolls down my cheek which I don't even notice but Mia does. "Cora, what's wrong?" Her eyes are filled with worry.

I part my lips and stare ahead. "Elena." I whisper, looking up at her and I see her eyes getting glossy. She doesn't say anything. 

Her arms just wrap around me while I smudge my makeup on her shirt she hasn't changed out of yet and let out a sob as does she. 


We had to redo my makeup three times. Once where Alex got paint all over me and apparently Michael beat him up cuz Mia told him to. And you guess the next. 

Mia's waiting outside for me after giving me a quick thumbs up around the corner. I asked Alex to walk me down the aisle and he politely accepted with tears in his eyes. 

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. You can do this. 

The music starts playing as I enter my bare feet on the warm sand, its soothing particles sliding in between my toes. 

Michael turns around in a slow manner, as if he doesn't want to finish something sweet fast, but savour every last moment of it. 

His eyes finally connect with mine and I let out a soft smile to him. Alex gives a reassuring grip on my arm and I make my way to Michael fairly quickly. 

"My baby's all grown up." Alex coos in my ear before handing me off to him and I shove Alex.

I acknowledge the priest only for a quick second before seeping myself into Michael's eyes.  

"We shall now start, dear." The priest gives out a smile in his sweet, elderly voice. 

He clears his throat and my eyes widen at his now loud voice that allows everyone to hear him. Michael notices and lets out a chuckle.

"Have you come to offer yourselves to each other, freely and without reservation?" The priest begins. 

"I have." Michael says with a smirk. 

I nod. "I have." 

"Will you love and honour each other for life?"

His eyes never leave my eyes and the smirk doesn't wipe off his face. "Damn right I will." 

We all laugh and I can hear everyone snicker in the audience. 

"Yes, I will." I finish.

"Okay, and Miss. Russo told me that you both forgot your vows 10 minutes ago so we will just skip over that." 

My face turns red as I hide a smile

The priest laughs pointing to Mia and she sticks out her tongue at me.

"Repeat after me." The priest wipes away his tear from the laughter before starting. 

We listen to what he says bit by bit and repeat it carefully, never daring to break eye contact.

"I, Michael, take you, Cora, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will fucking love you and honour you all the days of my life."

I roll my eyes with a smile for the curse word in God's name. 

"I, Cora, take you, Michael, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life." I'm smiling with all my teeth showing. 

I probably look like a creep.

The priest continues and my heart thumps louder in my chest. "May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. That God has joined, man must not separate. Amen."

We exchange rings in a hurry for the best part. 

"Your may now kiss the bride." 

I'm grabbed by the waist and his lips crash onto mine. "Finally." He mutters under his breath and I smile against him.

"WOOOOOO!" Mia's standing up and jumping up and down with Alex. 

The world suddenly tunes out and its just Michael and I. We kiss for what seems like years before turning around and looking at everyone. I don't blink away my tears, I let them fall. 

I'm picked up unexpectedly, bridal style by Michael as he hears us to the reception area. 

Tonight's bout' to be steamy.


- Wednesday January 5th, 2022 @ 12:37 pm

- Dhruvi Parmar

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