Chapter 27

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"Miss, please go back to your-" The MC begins lulling me into 'my area'. I stick up my middle finger, silencing her.

Chatter fills the room as I grab the mic from her and speak into it. "What the fuck?!" Everyone's eyes remain up, on the stage. The light from the stage causes me to sting my eyes, as I squint.

I wrap my arm around the shaking girl, pulling her in closer to me. "Your selling children?! Fucking shame on ALL of you!" I see a few of the men's lips smirk upwards. 

"See, what you don't know about her is that she can have a normal, extraordinary life in front of her. Why would you want to steal that? Your son, Mr. Ivanov?" I point to him. "You look old, you should have a son. What is some mafia beat him up and sold him for god knows what?!"

"Ya'll are fucking disrespectful, and you call yourselves men." I spit on the ground.

Michael's POV:

A loud gunshot echoes off the walls and the girl Cora was holding, falls on the ground, blood everywhere.  Screams fill the large area as everyone gets up, scrambling. My head turns to Ivanov to see him pointing the gun to Cora.

Without thinking, I take mine out and pierce a bullet through his skull, leaving him on the floor. 

"Get everyone inside the car and leave." I give instruction to Lucas. His brows furrow. "What about you guys?" I grow impatient "I'll take another one." 

My legs are quick to make their way over to Cora, her eyes are wide as she takes in the scene in front of her. 

I grab her wrist and pull her closer to me, shielding her from others as we make our way outside without saying a word.

I go up to a random car and shoot the lock open. "Get in the car." I open the door for her as she shakily gets into it. "I just got a girl killed." She mutters to herself.

I take out a master key and start it. "What the fuck were you doing?!" My voice is loud and clear to let her know I was pissed.

Her hands make their way up to her hair in anger. "I couldn't stand the girl being sold like that!" I press the gas harder. "So what, are you going to fix this situation in the entire world?!" I raise my voice.

She stays silent after that, not saying a single word. The only sounds to be heard are her quiet sniffles. I look to the side to see her cheeks shining, tear stained.


Cora's POV:

"I got a girl killed." My sobs fill my room. My blankets are tear stained as I cry into them. The overwhelming guilt consumes by body in big waves. All I ever tried to do was help, but was it even beneficial?

I continuously sob into my blankets with my wrongdoing before wiping my tears and heading downstairs to check on Michael.

"I just shot our most potential business partner, Lucas! I have all the fucking right to be pissed." His volume raises inside his office. The door is slightly creaked open and I see him drinking straight out of a bottle.

I push the door open and make my way inside. "I'm sorry." I mutter, my head down. 

He lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Your sorry?" 

Lucas steps closer to him. "Man, take it easy." "Get the fuck away from me." His lousy steps indicates he's drunk. 

My face furrows. "You know what? Go fuck yourself!" I turn around, heading back up into my room.

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