Chapter 1

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Cora's Pov:

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I muttered as I just fit pass the gap between two sweaty, hairy men.

"Come on, let's go!" My friend Alyssa howled at me. I was at on vacation with my friends as a way to celebrate getting out of the college life and we were on a beach next to a resort in Mexico.

The smell of weed and alcohol quickly submerged my lungs.

My body was wearing next to nothing. It was a small ass black bikini Alyssa picked out for me. I wasn't complaining, it was just that it touched sweat... to be exact, hairy, fat men sweat.


I had small, gold necklaces on with bracelets i got at the souvenir shops. My chocolate brown hair hung down in loose curls over my shoulders and back, and I tripped over a child sleeping on the ground and face planted into the sand.

Fuck. My. Life.

The child started crying and I ran away.

catch me if you can.

I caught my breath and was now walking beside Alyssa. She had ink black wavy hair that reached her shoulders, and dark brown eyes.

"Wanna go swim?" she said while tying her hair up in a messy bun.

"Yess." i smirked, almost relieved.

We made our way to an open spot where my others friends, or should I say acquaintances, Lana and Kacy were tanning. They are fucking sociopaths. They practically abducted me here, and last week, they spray-painted tits saying "dog vagina" on my neighbours front yard for no fucking reason.

they were all bitches.

Except Alyssa.

She was that one person that understood me better than anyone else. It's almost like we could read each other like a book.

When my parents kicked me out of home for following my passion, I met Alyssa. At the supermarket to be exact. We bonded over how honey nut cheerios were better than fruit loops. I know... unpopular opinion. Soon enough, she invited me over the stay with her at her apartment, and i've been with her ever since.

"HEY GIRLIES!" Kacy shouted over.

I rolled my eyes while setting my towel down beside them. I look over at Lana who was walking towards a guy.

He had long blonde hair and tan skin. He was wearing blue swim shorts and bleach white teeth

Yup... definitely a surfer dude.

I sighed.

Alyssa looked over to me and I looked back. I know what that look meant.

Without saying a word to each other, we both screamed at the top of our lungs as we headed into the water. We ran into the water and dove into the waves. The cool water sizzled my hot, delicate skin from the sun and it felt as though all my worries disappeared just for a second.

So. Fucking. Relaxing.

"Oh my fucking god that was amazing." She gasped coming out of the water.

That honestly was.

We swam for a bit more and made our way back to the shore.

While going back, Alyssa got dragged under a massive wave and hit her head on the ground and practically washed up on shore.

what a sight.

I fucking pissed my pants laughing my ass off. "That was quite a show," I said between breaths. My eyes were watering and I was holding onto my stomach, cramping hard.

I caught Lana dry humping that surfer dude out the corner of my eye. He was grabbing her ass like goddamn slime.

Why the fuck was he poking it.

I literally gagged.

Kacy handed me a beer and I took it.

"Fuck it." I said, chugging it like a kid drinking water after playing outside in the heat. Nothing was really going on in my life but my mind was so loud.

it wouldn't shut the fuck up.

I saw Lana walking towards us with the surfer dude.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh my god who's this hot piece of dick." Kacy smirked while twisting her blonde hair around her fingers.

"This is Jack." "Jack, this is Kacy, Alyssa, and Cora" Lana gestured towards each of us.

We all shook his hands.

He smelt like sweat behind someone's ballsack.

dried ketchup.


"You girls want a little something to float?" A smirk played at the corner of his lips.

"Umm, fuck yes." Kacy stood up walking up to him.

We all nodded.

Right now, i just needed something to get my mind off of shit. I don't even know what. Probably just life.

We went under a bridge and he pulled out a joint.

This is how my day basically went. Spending it at the beach with fake friends and with this fucker named Jack.


The stars took over the sky and the moon hung high above the horizon as we decided to make our way back to the resort.

As we were heading back, a tall muscular figure knock into me. He was wearing an expensive looking suit. "Ouch, what the fuck!" I yelp.

He had bright green eyes and tattoos covering his neck and lower arms. I was about to ignore him and continue walking, but this bitch's icy glare was fixed on me so I didn't move.

i liked the attention.

bring it on baby.


He was actually drop dead gorgeous, but I didn't let myself get too attached because every fucking guy I've been with has broke my heart.

it's fine they're dicks were like honey nut cheerios anyways.


...and small.

"Spiacente" He muttered looking right into my eyes. (Sorry)

Who the fuck speaks Italian in Mexico. My grandma was Italian and she taught me the language pretty well so I knew most of it.

I just ignored him and walked past him.

but i knew something was off.


Edited: 02/26/21

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