Chapter 33

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"Uh... Michael?" I slightly look towards him, whispering quietly. 

The lady brings the walkie talkie up to her mouth. "I am so sorry I forgot the coffee." 

A man who looks like a pilot walks in between Michael and I. "Cassandra... this is 7th time." He pinches the bridge of his nose, exhaling loudly. 

She squints her eyes, raising her eyebrows as if she is over consumed with guilt. 

"Dinner to make up for it?" 

There is a long, deep silence and I feel Michael uncomfortably playing with the zipper of my purse.

"7 pm... sharp."

Michael clears his throat and the lady immediately snaps into her work environment. "Uh... oh, sorry." 

"Coffee, you gotta need it." The man shrugs at both Michael and I before leaving. I let out a quiet laugh. 

"Sorry, what did you say your name was?" She points at Michael. 

"Michael Russo."

"Alright, thank you." Her fingers are fast to move across the keyboard. "E-ticket?" She looks at me and I nod.

I grasp out small, white printed tickets and she gives us instructions about where to go that I forgot. Apparently, Michael said he'd know I'd forget so he led the way. 

The wait time wasn't too bad for an airport. An hour did the job before we were informed to board the plane.

As we were done putting up our luggage, a really tall man with overalls with a side-part, slicked hair extended his hand to Michael. "E-excuse me, my name is Daniel." 

I could feel him awkwardly move in his seat towards me. I nudge him and he lets out a loud sigh before shaking his hand. 

"Smell it." I lean over to him. The hand of course. He gives me the 'what the actual fuck' face before resting his head on my shoulder. 

"My name is Daniel." A wide smile spreads across his face and I kinda feel bad how Michael's ignoring him. 

I give him a smile pretending I didn't hear him the first time. "What's your name?" He adjusts his glasses. 

Should I give him my real name? What if he's in the FBI? But if he's in the FBI, Michael's in the mafia. 

yup, a fake name will do. I'll have some fun.

"My name is Cumsockina." 

I feel Michael's lips turn upward on my shoulder. 

"Cum for short." 

"Oh, hello Cum.. sockina." His face is emotionless as he adjusts his glasses again.

A man in a suit comes into our aisle. "Excuse me, sir. You have the wrong seat." He looks over at Daniel.

His tall figure gets up, looking at Michael and I. "Oh, darn it. I guess it's a farewell."

"Bye, Cumsockina." 

The flight attendant's eyes widen before placing them back down on the floor as I try to fight in a smile. "Bye, Daniel!"

Bitchass hoe finally gets up from my shoulder and I stretch it out. "I can replace Kore with Cumsockina." 

"You wouldn't." I turn towards him. "Fuck yeah, I would."

"Over my dead body." My forehead touches his.

He smirks before reaching for his phone and going into his contacts. I watch him with narrow eyes as he replaces 'bad breath' with the heart emoji with 'cumsockina'

"I do not have bad breath!" I cross my arms. He lets out a laugh, resting his tongue between his teeth. "Baby, people can't smell their own breath." 

Did this guy really just questions the stankiness of my breath? "Yeah well it's probably because your dick's always in it-" I realize how loud my voice is as I take in everyone's eyes on .

"Can I help you?" I announce to the people watching us like our conversations are for free. Everyone resumes with their activities as I let out a evil grin.

"You're dick actually doesn't taste- or smell bad." I clarify. The last thing I want is for him to have an insecurity about something so stupid.

"You know what, I just realized how close we are." I snuggle up his arm. What if it's stockholm syndrome? I question this everyday. 

"Too bad we can't join the mile high club here." I feel his deep voice vibrate through the crown of my head. 

"Shut up." I smile.

"We could've if we would've gone in the fucking jet." 

"Shut up and go to sleep." I repeat looking up. 

"Okay, Cumsockina"

"Cumsockina up my ass." I hold him tighter. 

"Okay, when?"

"Shut up."


"I have to go pee." I poke Michael's shoulder, whispering quietly. He lets out a low gumble and turns over to the side in his sleep.

"Michael!" I whisper-shout. "I need you to move." 

I give up after he fails to get up after 5 minutes of me trying for him to. 

My steps are quiet to make their way into the plane bathroom. Surprisingly, it wasn't too bad. It was really- actually very clean and I was surprised with how big it was.

I pee and get a few drops on the seat because who doesn't squat on public toilets. 

As I was about to get the paper towel to dry my hands, I hear slow cracks of the door creaking open. 

"How the fuck did you-" I assumed some rando opened it but I see Michael leaning on the door frame, staring at me. "Michael, what are you doing?" I raise an eyebrow.

His hands graze the door, closing it behind him as he steps closer to me, his body now towering over me. "Michael." I breath out, staring at his lips as his hands find my face.

"Amore? Why did you leave me?" He slurs his words, his eyes droopy. That's when I realize he's sleepwalking.

"I didn't know you slept walked." I grab his shoulder, existing us carefully out the bathroom. "Only for you." He dabs the tip of my nose. 

What the fuck is going on. Why is he acting like he's drunk. Actually, what does he look like when he's drunk. Is he a horny drunk? Sad drunk? Angry drunk? Well now I know the first thing we'll be getting when we land.

"Okay, in you go." I help in get in the window seat since I need to pee alot and I learnt he doesn't move an inch since he's a heavy sleeper.


"Come here, Kore." He slurs with his arms wide open. His eyes are still closed and the soft smile on his face makes me warm inside.

A smile creeps my face as I crawl into him, melting against his heat.

I love him so much.


march break- or should i say april break is over and now im sad that i have school in 20 minutes.

-Dhruvi Parmar

Monday, April 19, 2021 @8:13 am

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