Chapter 12

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Lucas' POV:

Where did Cora get this feeling of being so understanding? I forced her to strip in front of me two days ago. 

The things she said to me when her and Michael came to visit, no one has, except Lilah.

I see so much of Lilah in Cora. It feels as though Lilah never even left me after Cora came.

"Lucas!" My trail of thought was interrupted by Michaels dad barging in. I immediately see a bullet gash in his arm.

Way to go, Micheal.

"Sir Francesco, what happened o you arm?" I said being fake with my worry.

"Ah, forget about it. Michael shot it." He said hoping a hatred toward Michael from me will form.

"How are you, son?" He said acting dumb.

"Fine." I said unable to open my mouth from the stiches. 

I didn't want to talk to this bitch so i tried finishing up our fake conversation. 

Deep down we know we both have a hatred for each other. 

"You know, Michael has always rebelled me. And you know what happens when someone doesn't listen to me." He cocked a .8 mm pistol out of his pocket. 

"I take away the things they love the most." His thick accent rolled off his tongue.

He aimed the pistol to my heart. 

"But i don't just do it straight away, i slowly burn them." A smirk played his face.

"Take care, son " He put the gun back in his pocket.

He left the room, holding his damaged shoulder.

not if i slowly burn you first.

Cora's POV:

We were free to go from the hospital but Lucas had to stay in there for three more weeks. 

I went up the gigantic marble stars, entering a hallway. The room i was staying in was blown up so i just wandered everywhere, while Michael's men got his mom settled down.

I needed to go find Michael.

but i don't know where he is.

and this is a huge ass fucking house.

Out of the corner of my eye, i saw one of the guards. I figured i can ask him where he is.

I approached him and he eyed me up and down.

damn papi... you a rare breed.

"Go back to your room, slut." He growled at me.

the fuck.

"I'm not a fucking slut you son of a bitch. I need to find Michael, do you know where he is?" I spat at him.

He whispered some words into his earpiece, just quiet enough so i couldn't hear. I saw a bunch of guards running through the doors. I wonder where they're going.

I looked closely and saw that they were running right at me.

oh fuck, run Cora.

"FERMATA!" One of the guards shouts at me. (STOP!)

I ran as fast as i could, my legs burning. Why are there five guards after me, i literally just asked for Michael. I turned the corner to a hallway.

My gasps were fast and heavy.

I needed to grab something to defend myself with. I opened a random door to a room to find something, anything. I walked in on people having sex.


"Sorry, i just need to get something!" I exclaimed. 

The woman let out a deafening scream, covering herself with the sheets as fast as she could. I went into the bathroom and saw a toilet plumber.


I heard the woman let our another thundering scream. The guards were in the room now.

"Where is she?!" One of the guards shouted at the man.

"In the bathroom?" He said confused with what's going on.

Your not the only one, man. I'm hella confused too.

They barged in through the bathroom door and i flung the toilet plumber high. They all looked at each other like i was some crazy psycho bitch.

I am, but that's besides the point.

"Mettilo giù." He said putting his hands in front of him, like he was trying to tame a wild animal. (Put it down)


I flinged the plumber and hit his head. I ran as fast as i could, past the guards.

catch me if you can.

"Use the locks." I gasped at the two people on the bed, I pointed to the locks on the door, and rushed out the door.

I turned another corner and hit something, hard. I fell back grasping the plumber in my hand. I held my aching shoulder and looked up from my hazy vision.

Perfect timing Michael.

I quickly got up and stood near the corner close to Michael. I held my hands in front me. He saw the guards still running, but slowly slowing down when they saw him.

He raised an eyebrow at me and i gave him small fake smile, like i was hiding something.

"What happened." He spoke to one of the guards.

"She attacked us and beat up up with this toilet plumber." He said grabbing the toilet plumber out of my hand.

"oops sorry." I said sarcastically. 

"But deep down i know y'all knew you deserved it." I cooed.

They gave me their ugly frowns.

"She's with me, let everyone know. She's not a threat." Michael announced. 

The guard nodded his head, holding his head. They began to scatter and go away.

just like the little fucking annoying ants they are.

Michael turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "It's literally not my fault. I just asked them where you were and the next thing you know, they were after me." I asserted raising my arms up in surrender.

"Come with me, i'll show you where you can stay." He said changing the topic.


hehe i thought i'd add something funny since getting kidnapped and brought into the mafia is quite disturbing.

Anyways, i have to finish my homework which will take five minutes and then im gonna start writing the next chapter!



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