-- The living room,

"Anyway what brings you here? This early I mean" Dana asked

"I was in the neighborhood and wanted to ask you something" Johan answered

"Ok, ask" Dana replied

"Well when do you want to go to the city hall to officially write down I'm your father and who's giving you away at the wedding in two weeks? And can I borrow some money? " Johan asked

"I don't know when, maybe today? Mom is giving me away and depends on how much" Dana  frowned

"Ok, but it's a father's task not a mother's tasks and um twenty thousand" Johan answered

"A mother can do it too, and why twenty thousand? " Dana frowned at him

"Ok fine I get it she raised you, and because I need it" Johan told her

"For what? " Dana asked him

"An engagement ring" Johan answered  

"I'm not paying for your engagement ring" Dana replied  

"You'll get it back" Johan told her

"No I've dealt with enough boyfriends and so called friends that lent money, but they never paid me back so I'm not lending anyone any money anymore" Dana told him

"Not even your own father? " Johan asked 

"Seriously you're gonna play the 'I'm your father' card?" Dana scoffed

"I'm not asking for a million, just twenty thousand, it's nothing for you and that husband of yours" Johan replied

"I rather give it to charity than lending it to you" Dana told him

"That's how you treat your father? " Johan asked 

"You've got some nerves, weren't you the one that walked out on her mother while she was pregnant with Dana? " Michael replied, making his way into the living room and placed both plates for him and Dana on the table before shaking his head at Johan 

"That's a long time ago" Johan said "And mind your own business" He told him

"For your information Mr. Bahn Dana is my business, she's my wife remember? " Michael reminded him

"Well Mr. Jackson, she's my daughter so I've more rights over her than you will ever have" Johan replied

"Oh really? What does her birth certificate say? Your name is nowhere to be found on it but on the marriage papers my name is on it, which also is her last name now, so who got more rights now? " Michael replied

"Pff she's carrying my DNA" Johan scoffed

"But she gave birth to my children" Michael reminded him

"So? " Johan scoffed

"Both of you! Seriously stop talking like I'm not here and I'm a person not a fucking object, thank you very much" Dana interuppted them "And he's right, you're not on my birth certificate" She added, looking at Johan 

"Not yet" Johan replied  

"Even if you were it doesn't make a difference" Dana told him

"That's how you treat your parents? " Johan asked

"Mom and Javier don't ask for money" Dana told him

"You choose him over me!?" Johan gasped

"I know him longer than I know you and he treats me like I'm his daughter and my children like they're his grandchildren by blood" Dana told him

"Only because his own son is not going to give him any" Johan scoffed

"But me, his stepdaughter already gave him two and Wendy too" Dana told him

"You're not his daughter you're my flesh and blood" Johan reminded her  

"You might be my father but Javier is like a dad for me" Dana told him

"You're so much like your mother" Johan scoffed, shaking his head at her

"How would you know? You left her" Dana reminded him

"Ok that's enough" Johan began

"Yes it's time for you to leave" Michael told him

"Fine I'll go" Johan scoffed and left 

"Asking for money? Is that why he wanted to accept me as his daughter? So sad" Dana scoffed, shaking her head 

"You still want him at the wedding? " Michael asked 

"Yes, let him see how happy I am without him" Dana told him  "let's eat Ok? " She suggested, having enough of the subject

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it anymore?" Michael asked her

"I'm positive, let's enjoy the day" Dana said 

They had their breakfast and when they were done Wendy came downstairs with the twins and helped feeding them, afterwards they got ready for the day themselves and went over a few last minute things for the wedding while Wendy watched the twins

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